Chapter 24

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I pull my hand back pulling it to my chest looking for what shot the cup out of my hand moving towards Zane but I get snatched backwards. I go to fight back but some one puts a rag over my mouth and nose that smells funny causing me to get slightly dizzy before blacking out.

~Zanes POV~
I go to grab Zoe to examine her hand when she gets snatched  back away from me as someone hits me with something but I still try and move towards Zoe but some one jumps in front of me growling at me.

Without a second thought I reach out and snap the guys neck and through his body out of the way but, when I look back to where Zoe was she was no where to be seen. Everyone was stunned stuck in their seats from the sudden incident. After a second the scents hit me Rogues. I become enraged changing instantly following Zoe's and the rogues scents leaving the others to deal with the rest.. I follow the scent until it reaches the territory boarded where it just disappears.

I howl in pain as a stabbing sensation surges through out my chest. Something or someone was hurting Zoe. I regain my strength running back to the pack house changing and getting dressed. I get a group of trackers together from the people trying to clean up to try and find Zoe.

I walk into my office picking up the phone as I sit calling up one of my generals to send me the best trackers now, informing him that his Luna has been kidnapped and to let the others around the territory know that rogues had infiltrated our lands without our knowledge. He put me on hold for a minute before returning and informing that five of the trackers are on there way as we spoke and should arrive in the next hour. I thank him and tell him that he should double the patrols as well as the other generals through out the territory.

I hang up the phone grabbing a map of the territory. I link my Beta to double patrols and to find out how the rogues got passed out security. 

As i'm looking over the map trying to find out where the rogues could've come in and left without being detected by patrols the five trackers come tumbling through the door in a hurry.  We talk for a few trying to figure out the best plan to go about finding her. They started getting ready to search for Zoe and I planned on going with them.

We left a little while later to follow the scent until is disappeared again. I become angry and frustrated. "I want her found and found now!!" I punch a tree next to me knocking bark off of it.  sit down and start crying in anger and sadness punching the ground.

I listen in on the trackers conversation as I pull my self together. I stand up walking over to them. "are we gonna be able to find her and when?"

"We are trying to pick up the scent again but it's not easy these people know what they are doing and masked he scent well" My gaze fell to the small boy in the middle of the men.

" Son how old are you and it's not safe for some one of your age to be out here." I wait for him to answer feeling the anger radiate off him now. "Alpha Sir I am fifteen and I've been trained for situations like this. I am the youngest and best tracker in your army."

I take a slight step back startled at my knew found knowledge." Well ok then young man I'll leave you to do your thing" I nod walking off to a tree sinking next to it trying to rest.


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