Chapter 11

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-Zane's POV-

It's been over a week since me and Zoe have returned and she still has not woken up. I sit watching as Dr. Weeks injects her with her daily dose of medicine that's supposed to be helping her heal ,but we are not to sure it's even working or going to at this point. I rub hold her hand stroking it with my thumb as I sit with her watching her sleep peacefully. Her appearance hasn't changed since she was brought out of the car that night and she's had multiple seizures since then and I'm growing very wary about her condition.

I say goodbye to the doctor as Zoe's mom and sister walk in. I get up walking to her mother hugging her as Carrie, her little sister, brushes by us crawling up into the bed with Zoe.

"What has Dr. Weeks said today? Anymore seizures?" Mrs. Black ask looking up at him worriedly. You could look at her and tell she was doing good with her eldest daughter in the condition she was in at the moment. Me and Mrs. Black are talking for a moment when a scream erupts through out the room causing me to jump and turn to Carrie.

"She squeezed my hand!" Carrie yells smiling through her puffy red eyes from her crying. I realize what she has said leaving to go find a doctor. This had to be a good sign right?

-Zoe's POV-

All I have been able to see is darkness for god knows how long and it's growing irritating. I've been trying to hard to open my eyes but my eyelids are just so heavy. Actually it seems like heavy time I tried to move any part of my body it feels like I'm being held down. Every once in awhile I'm able to hear voices , but it was always th same 3 voices. The one I heard most was Zane, then Dr.Weeks and my father. Zane was always talking as if i was actually awake and talking to him and I really wish I was because I would so give that dick a piece of my mind on how he shove those apologizes up his ass.

Today I've tried multiple times  to move or even get Casey to answer me ,but it's like she isn't even there. I was growing miserable in this state and wanted to be able to go run. I was laying there listening to Zane and Dr. Week's conversation when I heard a door open and someone walk in as one leaves. I heard talking when someone crawled into the bed with me and a shaky voice talking to me.

"Hi Sissy, I'm sorry I haven't come to see you, but dadda said it was better if I didn't see you like this. He was scared I'd get to tore up..." there was a slight pause before she continued between quiet sob. "But mommy said it was fine if I really wanted to see you. Sissy you need to wake up. I miss you and you've gotta be here when I change for the first time." Her little hand slips into mine and I mentally squeeze it. She suddenly scream out startling me. Oh god what if the pack is being attacked? I cant protect them like this! I start freaking out and I can feel my heart rate rising as I try waking up to save her until I her holler out about me squeezing her hand. Wait, I squeezed her hand.

I grow excited at the thought knowing I was actually getting better possibly. I contined trying to move and become more excited when I hear voices.

"Princess you need to calm down. Your heart rate is sky rocketing and could hurt you please just calm down for us" His voice was so husky and soothing as I slowly calmed to the sound of it. Damn it I was giving into the bond unintentionally ,but I need to calm down like he said.

I felt the tingles from his touch as he seemed to brush hair out of my face as my little sister talked to me. As she pleads for me to wake up and that she need me I feel as if this weight is coming off of me. I slowly flutter my eyes open as the bright light causes me wince.

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