Chapter 20

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I groan loudly as the sound of my alarm clock wakes me. I reach out from beneath the covers smacking it turning it off before rolling over looking at the ceiling. I stretch out over the bed yawning as the sun peaks through the curtains. Tossing back the sheets I roll out of bed stripping as I head into the bathroom starting the shower.  I pull the scrunchie out of my hair tossing it on the counter before getting in the shower shutting the glass door behind me.

I wipe the moisture off the mirror as I wrap the towel around myself. I squeeze the water out of my hair before taking the brush through it getting rid of the knots. Walking out of the bathroom across the carpeted floor I walk over to the window peeping out at the men doing their morning training session. Sighing knowing Zane wasn't down there and I wouldn't see him for a little while. After we had the conversation about a date for our wedding he told me he was gonna heading to his cousins pack for a meeting. We have 4 weeks before our wedding and I was spending the last few weeks of our engagement alone. 

I closed the curtains back and grabbing the remote on switching the television on and going to a channel just have some noise in the room while I got ready. I walked over to the closet looking around for something cute but easy to take on and off for between trying on dresses. I pull a pair of coral jeans off a hanger sliding them on as I look for a top to match. Choosing a black and white patterned top I slide it on as I head back to the bathroom.

I walk in pulling the flatiron and blow dryer out from under the sink plugging them in letting the flat iron heat up while i'm blow drying my hair. I put the blow dryer back under the sink before running the flat iron through my hair.

As i'm finishing my hair up my phone starts going off so, I unplug the flat iron and leave it to cool as I walk and answer my phone. Answering the phone I can hear Mollee yelling at someone before telling me to hurry the hell up. I laugh hanging up as I grab my black high tops and slide them on as I walk out of the room and down the stairs.

I finally pull Mollee away from the argument she was having and we get in the truck and head to meet Rachel at the coffee shop.  As i'm parking the truck Mollee is hopping out and running inside. I laugh getting out and closing the door locking it and turning around to just smack into a large chest.

"Oh I'm sorry didn't see you." I smile lightly going to walk around him when he steps back in front of me. He steps forward pushing me back against the truck taking my chin between in thumb and index lifting my head and turning it the side examining my neck. I scrunch my nose up trying to snatch my head from his grip just for him to tighten it.

He smirks stepping forward pushing him self into me putting his hands on my truck past my head and puts his head on my the crook of my neck inhaling my scent. As he lets his guard down I lift my knee hard coming into contact with his groin causing him to groan out loudly doubling over grabbing himself. Taking advantage I take off for the door hurrying inside catching my breath. I look back out into the parking lot and the man that was once there was now gone. I head to order a drink pushing the incident to the back of my mind until later on.

Mrs.Sandra calls to let us know the dress store is ready and waiting on us, so we finish up and head out to the vehicles. As we walk out of the building I scan the parking lot noticing the same guy down a few parking spots leaning against a car smirking at me as he watches us. I turn my head ignoring him and sliding into the truck waiting on Rachal and Mollee to finish talking. While pulling out I watch to make sure the guy isn't following us only to see him waving.

We are lead to a sitting area where the lady that is going to be helping us is waiting. She smiles looking us over"Who is the lucky lady today?" I raise my hand smiling only to get a surprised reaction. "Well then I expected some one a little older.... but this is fine. who do you have here with you today if I may ask?" I take turns introducing each one of them. "I have my 2 best friends Mollee and Rachel. This is my soon to be my mother in-law."

"Well let me take you and I'll see what you have in mind for a dress and we'll get to trying some on." She takes me by my hand an takes me to the back were there seems to be hundreds of dress. As she is asking me what I want for my dress and I give some small details I look over all the dresses. She walks down a row grabbing a few dresses and guiding me to a changing room and then telling me to where to walk out when I'm changed.

I go in the the dressing room and try on this dress that looked like I was going to a fairytale prom. I laugh already knowing it's gone be a definite no. I walk out standing on the little platform looking the dress over as they give me their opinions  on the dress. 

 I walk back to the dressing room changing into the mermaid style dress going back out to them to hear their opinions. I look the dress over unsure of it as they talk about. I do this a couple time with them with a couple different dresses until I find one I really like.

I try on this ballgown style dress and do a slight spin in the dressing room smiling. the dress had a little bit of everything I wanted. I walk out on the platform smiling running my hands over the fabric blocking them out as they discuss their opinions on the dress, I didn't care what they thought this was the dress I was gonna be wearing. 

I  go back and change into my clothes and walk back out to schedule a last fitting a few days before my wedding to make sure it fits right. We pack up and thank the lady for her help as we're leaving. We head to apple bees for dinner before heading home.

 I get home and change into one of Zanes shirts before calling him to talk until I fell asleep.

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