Episode 20 - Atsumu's Happiness

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(I apologize in advanced if there are spelling and/or grammar errors, I didn't really feel like re-editing lol)



Atsumu couldn't believe himself, he was sitting his pretty little ass on a chair with his arms folded waiting for a guy to get off work, NOT the other way around!

He had never even been on a date before, he was close to one when he was 14 and a classmate asked him out but his older brother literally sent men to the boys house to have a little beat down session and scare him off.

When it didn't work Ayumu sent the next best thing which was Atsumu's twin Osamu to handle it, Atsumu never knew what his twin did with his friends from his soccer team at the time but whatever he did ruined the boys life to the point he didn't even want to leave his home anymore.

Atsumu sighed, to his luck Ayumu wouldn't be home for two weeks and Osamu has been hung up over Suna and Akashi to notice what's going on in his life, not that he cares though he literally doesn't.

As he was swallowing in his self annoyance voice behind him interrupted his thoughts.

He turned seeing Kuguri standing there with his same bored expression as before. "Hey, you coming?" Atsumu sighed, a date couldn't be so bad right? All he had to do was go along with whatever the guy wanted then give him what he's really waiting for at night.

It would be no biggie he's done this plenty of times before, sure for way older men but still.

"Mhm!" He said smiling as he hopped off the chair following him.

The two walked outside with Atsumu looking around. "So where's your car?" "Car? That's funny I'm even lucky if I have enough for a bus ticket." Atsumu stopped walking widening his eyes.

"Excuse me I have to walk? I'm a Miya, Miya's never walk to their destinations this goes against everything my family name stands for-!" "So does sleeping with random people." Kuguri pointed out linking his arm with Atsumu's.

"Come along, don't worry if anything happens I'll protect you. I'm a master in martial arts anyways." Atsumu looked up at him as they began walking. "Really?" "No, I'm kidding I do not know shit about self defence but if anything happens I'll find a good looking stick to whack our attacker with."

Atsumu widened his eyes pushing Kuguri away from him angrily. "You idiot! I cannot risk my life in danger if a Mira were to die that would bring great grief-" "Again, you literally sleep with random people and I'm kidding again. Nothing will happen okay?"

Kuguri let out a small laugh sticking his hand out for the blond turning back to him, Atsumu just gave him a look with his arms crossed sticking his nose in the air.

"Trust me." Those two words did sting his heart a bit, he's learned not to trust many, the only person he trusted so far was his mirror. But with a deep sigh and slight hesitation, he slowly took a hold of the taller's hand.

Before he could say anything else Atsumu held onto his hand tightly dragging him down the road. "Come on hurry up I want to get past these roads already it's scary, if anything happens I'm using you as my shield!"

Kuguri smirked a little while following. "As you wish, princess." "Don't call me that!" "Okay, my Queen, your majesty, your highness~" "Stop it!!" "Heh."


"God damnit I've been following you around for a while where are we going?!" Atsumu asked trying to keep himself warm from how cold it was getting. Kuguri noticed and spoke while unzipping his jacket. "Just wait a little longer it's up this road."

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