The War

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Tw: language, violence

Wilbur gave some inspirational speech that I honestly dozed off during. It wasn't that I didn't like it, his words were always inspiring, it was that my mind was somewhere else.

Mostly on the undeniable fact that I would see Dream again today, and I would be fighting him.

Before we began fighting, I had a really, really bad idea that dawned on me.

We were going to get the high ground on Eret's tower, trying to start inside the walls. I thought about it more and realized an important piece of information. I could start somewhere else and use the invisibility potion. I pitched my idea to Wilbur, who gratefully accepted, saying they could use any help they could get.

"Good luck." Tommy hugged me as he spoke. I noticed the bandana tied around his neck and smiled at it. Then I hugged him back, praying to god he would stay safe. Tubbo joined the hug.

"Stay alive." I ordered them. They both nodded, most of the anxiety gone from Tubbo's eyes.

Then the first arrows were fired.

I dove behind the tower, realizing I had to set my plan into action. Tommy and Tubbo ran up the stairs, making their way to the top. Now I took out the invisibility potion and drank it.

The 8 minute countdown had begun.

I took off in a run towards where the enemies were fighting us from. I could count 4 of them. Sapnap, with his white bandana and tall build, George, with his white sunglasses and short body, Punz, who I'd never seen before but I could assume it was him due to the gold chain around his neck, and leading them, Dream. The lifeless mask made me shiver. They hid behind some trees, firing endlessly on L'Manberg. I walked around, trying to be as quiet as I could.

"Don't stop firing, boys!" Sapnap encouraged. George laughed in a mocking way. I couldn't believe he was actually laughing.

Then my eyes focused on something behind them.

A large bag full of wooden arrows. The iron tips shone in the early morning sun. I breathed out, realizing how much amo they had compared to us. I had planned to fight them from the shadows, but a better idea popped into my head.

A vague memory popped up in my headspace as I tried to think of everything I had in my ender chest. Some miscellaneous weapons... a few potions... a flint and steel...

And some TNT.

My eyes lit up as I realized what I could do. The plan formed in my mind. My breathing picked up, knowing I only had a few minutes left with the potion. I ran several feet away from them, crunching on some leaves. They all seemed to be caught up in the battle to notice, thank god. I set down the chest where no one could see and shuffled around it.

1 single piece of TNT and a half used flint and steel remained.

Just enough.

I put the chest back in my pocket and made my way behind the men. From where I could see, the bag of arrows was about six feet away from Punz, who fired in the very back. He turned around to grab another arrow, making me freeze up. Then he turned around and began to fire again.

"I hit someone!" George said. My eyes widened, trying to guess who had been the unlucky victim. Then I shook the thought away. There had to be less than 2 minutes on the potion now. I got out the TNT, taking a deep breath. I went so close to the arrows I could reach down and grab one. I smirked, thinking this could actually work.

Then I lit the TNT, throwing it down on the bag. Punz turned around just as I did this, seeing the explosive egnite.

"Get down!" He yelled, pushing his body up. I ran and dove behind a tree, waiting for the boom.


It echoed through the forest. I turned, seeing the flaming bag of arrows.

By god, my plan had worked. This brought a smirk to my face.

"What the hell happened, Punz?" Sapnap yelled. George was hunched behind a tree, Sapnap stood pointing a finger at Punz who was on the ground, slightly hurt by the blast. Dream was whipping his head around rapidly.

"Someones here!" He said in his deep voice. L'Manberg still fired arrows that weren't quite reaching.

It was time for me to take matters into my own hands.

I reached into my pocket, pulling out a throwing knife. I gave it a hard spinning throw at George. It sliced through the air, followed by a yell of pain. Dream looked to where the knife came from.

"They are invisible!" He yelled, grabbing his sword off his belt. George sat on the ground, tending to his arm wound. Sapnap and Punz slashed their swords randomly, while Dream's eyes focused on me. My heart stopped as I realized how outnumbered I was.

God, I fucked up.

Dream POV

I saw the particles of the person who had just cut George. Immediately I assumed it was Tommy or Fundy, but they didn't fight with throwing knives. No one in L'Manberg fought with throwing knives.

Except Blaze.

Everything suddenly made sense. She does better with short range, which is why she hadn't been firing arrows. She was the only one smart enough to keep TNT on her for moments like this.

I breathed out, not knowing how to go about this. Sapnap and Punz thrashed their swords through thin air. Although I couldn't see her, I knew perfectly well Blaze was looking at me too.

"Come on," Words flowed out of my mouth before he could stop them. I began to see Blaze, as the potion was wearing off. "I think I heard them over here."

Then I led them West, the complete opposite direction of where Blaze stood.

Blaze POV

I stopped breathing. He had to have seen me. Even through the mask there's no way he didn't see me. I bit my lip, pondering why he just did that. It's a horrible strategy, they might've had a chance of killing me right there.

Why did he lead them away?

I tried to stop thinking about it, after all, we are still in a war. I grabbed the bloody knife off the ground, for some reason George hadn't taken it with him. I shoved it in my pocket with the others and took off in a sprint back to L'Manberg. As I arrived inside the walls, cheers echoed down from the tower.

"Blaze! You did it!" Tubbo yelled down at me. I gave them a wave, forcing a smile. Tommy cheered the loudest of all of them. Wilbur had a smirk plastered on his face, Fundy was clapping and smiling, Tubbo cheered and hooted.

Eret, once again, looked like his mind was in a totally different place. They made their way down from the tower, greeting me. Although they didn't even know what I had done, I still got many congratulations and high fives. This made me truly smile, knowing I had done something well.

"Alright men, and woman." Wilbur said, looking around the crowd. "Small victories count, but we aren't finished yet. We need to..."

"Mr. President," Eret spoke so suddenly I jumped. A puzzled look spread across everyone's faces. "I've been preparing for this." Nik came out of the kitchen, leaning against the door. She never fought, but I noticed the somewhat frustrated look on her face. "I have a secret bunker near here, it's stocked with things for everyone." Tubbo gasped.

"You do? That's amazing Eret!" Wilbur said, a smile spreading across his face. Everyone clapped their hands, except me. "5 minutes, then we'll make our way to this secret base!" People cheered again. I had my arms crossed over my chest as squinted at Eret. He bit his lip

Although my heart was saying to follow him and be happy at this news, my mind was saying something totally different.

It told me to run while I still could.


Hey guys! Next chapter, as promised.

I actually really like this chapter. I've been having major writers block in the sequel, but I think I'm finally hitting a stride!

Thanks for reading!

Word count: 1371

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