One of those Days

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Tw: language, mention of abandonment

Present Day

Do you ever have that day where everything is a train wreck? Like, you can't get your hair to look good, every outfit you try clashes, the shower is either too hot or too cold, and the food is either too sour or too sweet?

Well, that's today.

After my little 'talk' with Dream, I desperately wanted to avoid him. He seemed to do the same, as I didn't see any signs of the masked man in 3 days. It's January 9th now, a normal day. Puffy came into my room only a few hours into the morning.

"Well you're up early." I commented, not even glancing up as I kept sketching. She had her hands on her head, looking distressed.

"I am up early! If I want to fit into Cynthia's dress I need to lose at least 10 pounds in 18 days! How the fuck do I do that, starve myself?"

I laughed out loud. "A dress? I never imagined you as much of a dress person."

"I'm not, but I have to wear one to the ball! You do too." Her voice was loud now, so I stood and closed the door. Rusty went over to greet Puffy.

"Dance lessons are coming up, on the 23rd I think."

I scoffed. "I don't do dancing." At least not since with Dante, I thought.

She turned to me. "You're going. If not with another lucky person, then with Cynthia and I." I scowled at her, then my face softened.

"You said I could skip, that was our deal. Wait... Cynthia and..." She bit her lip, but a thought flashed through my mind. "Oh, oh! God am I so stupid!" I put my hands to my face. She twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Yes, yes! Cynthia... Cynthia!" She nodded.

"Yeah, I'm bisexual."

A broad smile spread across my face. "That's... great. Good for you."

We went off the topic of the SnowBall, but my mind was still fixated on one thought.

Who am I supposed to go with?

She left after a while, leaving me alone with Rusty. I changed the kitten's litter box and left him to roam around.

God, I messed up so bad. Why did I say those things to Dream? I can't just assume shit like that... I can't let myself fume like that. It's not healthy, it's not good.

I need to apologize.

I asked around the castle to see if anyone knew where Dream was, no one knew. Then I saw Sapnap sitting on one of the leather couches, buried in a book.

"Hey, Sapnap?" I asked, approaching him. He glanced up. "Do you know where Dream is?" The brunette glanced around, then back to me.

"In his room, he's been there for days. Might want to go check on him, just saying." Then Sapnap went back to reading the book. I sighed and began to make my way upstairs.

One knock, pause, two knocks, pause, one knock.

The door opened up in front of me, I went straight inside and up the stairs. Then there was Dream's room. I hesitated a moment before pushing the door open, but still, I shoved the heavy thing out of the way.

The room looked the same, just slightly messier. Clothes were thrown carelessly on the floor, books were off the shelves, the black bed was unmade. Four candles were lit on the shelves, but the drapes were drawn shut making the room almost pitch black. I squinted, straining my eyes to see if he was in there.

"Dream?" I called out his name. No answer. I approached the bathroom and knocked on the closed door. "Dream?" No reply, once again. I sighed and shook my head.

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