The SnowBall

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Quick notes before this chapter:

Envision Blaze's outfit as you'd like, it doesn't have to be how I wrote it.

The song above is slowed and on repeat, you can turn it off whenever you'd like, or just leave it playing.

Tw: language, small spicy scene


Blaze POV

The walk was pleasant, really. I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me out on the lake, but I was somewhat glad he didn't. Being kissed twice a month? No thank you. We made our way back to the castle just before dark, the sun beginning to set on the horizon.

Everyone seemed excited back at the castle, most likely for the ball. Don't get me wrong, I was excited too, but mostly nervous. Why? God only knows.

Then the morning of the SnowBall arrived, and my nerves became practically unbearable. Dream had said he would be at my room at 7:30 on the dot, and Cynthia would be coming earlier to do my hair, dress, and makeup. Makeup, ew. Never liked having powder on my face.

I didn't see Dream that day, only a few others who roamed the halls. Everyone seemed bored, all except the maids who ran around in an incredibly busy manor.

6:15 arrived along with Cynthia who came barrelling into my room.

"Ah, Blaze! Good to see you!" She took me up in a hug, surprising me. "Now, let's get this dress on you, huh!" I nodded eagerly, then laughed at myself. Never thought I'd be so excited to look at a gown.

Then she held the gown out in front of her. I stopped breathing for a moment and stared.

It was beautiful. A long flowing deep emerald green gown that I could already tell would go down to my heels. The chest area had a somewhat low V-Cut, and there were thin green straps that would stretch over my shoulders. I stoked it lightly, almost afraid it would shatter at my touch. It was made of smooth satin that flowed down beautifully. Cynthia smiled at my expression.

"Do you like it?"

I cleared my throat. "Yeah... I love it." Not at all a lie, it was beautiful. She assisted me as I stepped into the dress, proceeding to zip it up from my back. I walked over to the mirror, staring at myself.

"A perfect fit." Cynthia said happily, clapping her hands together.

"Yeah, perfect." I said quietly.

She proceeded to sit me down on the bed and brush my hair. She did some sort of braided crown, letting most of my hair lay down my back in its natural curls. I kept my watch on, much to her dismay, but whatever. She did my makeup, but only a small amount. Cynthia told me it was a 'natural' look, whatever the hell that means. Then she left, and I was alone waiting for my Prince Charming to come for my rescue.

Prince Charming? No, nevermind. I don't need a Prince, I'm already a Queen.

I lay on my bed, staring at the watch. Tick, tick, tick. 5 minutes... 4, 3... 2...

I counted the seconds of the last minute, 1-60. Of course he wouldn't be here at 7:30 and 0 seconds, but it was fun to think he would. 30 seconds until 7:30, 20... 10...

Just then a knock sounded on my door, no less than five seconds before the clock struck. I bounded up and raced to the door, almost tripping in the somewhat uncomfortable flats Cynthia had forced me to wear. The deep brown door flew open, revealing Dream.

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