Chapter 37

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"Damn, I should have known that you drank too much to remember anything I said to you", he said sighing but then laughed.

"I'm sorry, Jimin", I apologised truly feeling bad.

"No, it's okay. Don't worry", he soothed me, "well, basically it's my birthday present for you. I mean the date."

"Oh", I said slowly approaching my house, "I don't remember you saying anything about that.."

"Hm, are you at home?", he asked thinking about a solution.

"Almost", I answered. I was just one street away from home.

"I could pick you up in thirty minutes if you still want to go, of course", he suggested.

"Yea, sure. I mean, you put some honest thought into it so it's just fair if I go", I said pushing Jungkook in my thoughts away, "I'd love to see what you came up with."

"Great, I'll see you in half an hour then", he said. "Yes", I agreed and hung up. So much for focusing more on school.

I greeted my Mum after I entered the house and shortly told her about my plans. I went upstairs into my room and my eyes immediately fell on the room on the other side of my window. But it was empty.

Another sigh fell off my lips and I closed the curtains to get changed.

Exactly half an hour later since the call he texted me that he was outside of my house.

I threw a last look at myself in the mirror and frowned. I didn't know how to feel about this 'date' after everything that has happened between Jungkook and I. Maybe it was wrong to go, but still, I owed it to Jimin. He sounded pretty excited about it and I couldn't turn him down just because...

...yea, just because Jungkook might be jealous and wouldn't want me to go. But where was he at? He wasn't here to tell me to stay with him because I am his. He didn't even inform me once where he had left to. My heart was aching knowing that he might be with some other girl at the moment.

So why won't I go out myself and have some fun? I can show him what he's missing out on. I'm not a toy he can play with once and then throw away.

I breathed out and walked downstairs. This was my final decision and I won't beat myself up for it.

"Bye, Mum", I said and closed the door behind me. I gasped when I turned around and saw Jimin standing in front of a black car.

I wasn't good with cars so I didn't know which brand it was but the fact that he actually owned a car never crossed my mind. So I was pretty surprised to be picked up by him with a car.

"Good evening, milady", he greeted me playfully with a smile curling up on his lips as I appeared in the doorway.

"Milord", I played along after overcoming my small shock and giggled making a courtesy.

He opened the car door to the passenger seat while I made my way through the front yard towards him. I couldn't help but notice how fine he looked. He was clad in black skinny jeans and a black belt around his thin waist in which a long sleeve white shirt was tugged in. His black, silky hair was pushed back so his forehead was exposed making him look even more attractive.

But it was the details of his outfit that made me admire his style. He had put on many rings on his fingers, each one looking captivating in its own way. However, what really gave away that he had a good fashion sense were his shiny black leather loafers. Every other guy would have put on sneakers but he chose these and I was impressed.

"It's good to see you", he said with a sparkle in his eyes and I smiled shyly back at him as I got into the car.

As he walked around the car I quickly fixed my hair hoping I didn't look too stupid next to this god of a man. Maybe I should've dressed up more. But I wanted to keep it casual since I wasn't on clear terms with what I had with Jungkook and didn't want to give Jimin too high hopes.

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