Chapter 51

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I didn't know what to say in response, I was too overwhelmed.

I lowered my gaze not being able to hold eye contact with his fiery eyes.

But he was not having it. He lifted his hand a little forcing me to meet his eyes again.

"It means that you are mine now", he said leaning in, "it means that this time I won't let you get away. This time I will make you my girlfriend."

I travelled my eyes over his ethereal face, his flawless skin, his cute moles and his curved, pinkish lips. Then I looked back into his jade eyes.

I wanted to open mouth and say something, anything but he preempted me.

He bent down and pressed his lips on mine in a sweet yet passionate way.

I melted into the kiss almost immediately and put my hands on his chest in search for support.

He rested his hand under my chin and snaked his other arm around my waist to pull me close.

It felt amazing to be in his arms like that, no worries no drama. He just held me close to him and kissed me like I was the only one that mattered in this world.

I moved my hands up over his chest and passed them along his neck but twitched when I felt the scab of a scratch along the side of his neck.

"What is that? Did you get into a fight?", I asked cluelessly pulling away from the kiss to examine the wound.

He chuckled and pierced me with knowing eyes smirking at me.

"That, baby, is where you left your mark on me yesterday", he told me wrapping both his arms around my body.

"What?", I whispered already blushing even though I didn't even remember what he was talking about.

"Well, we were kissing and you kind of got a little too excited when I touched you", he helped my memory watching me with hungry eyes.

"Oh my god", I mumbled completely embarrassed and tried to wriggle out of his embrace but he only tightened his grip around me.

"Don't be embarrassed", he rumbled trying to catch my gaze, "I thought it was hot."

Since there seemed to be no other way to escape this situation I just buried my face into his chest to hide my embarrassment.

"But the more important question is, baby", he whispered right into my ear, "-even though you don't have much say in this-, what do you think about being my girlfriend?"

The way he put it made me giggle shyly as I slowly dared to show my face again.

"I think that sounds like a very good idea", I said quietly but determined.

"Really?", he asked a wide grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

He always seemed very confident with everything he said but now I could see that he was actually quite insecure about whether I'd really agree to this or not.

I knew he needed to hear the exact words rolling of my tongue to actually believe it.

"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend", I said smiling.

"YES!", he rejoiced picking me up in happy ecstasy and spun around with me in his arms. I squealed surprised and tightly held on to his shoulders.

He slowly lowered me so that my face was on a slightly higher level than his and stared at me in awe with sparkling eyes.

Then he let me down another bit so that my lips met his in a passionate kiss.

He moved his lips more demandingly against mine and I wrapped my legs around his torso as he let me slowly slide down in his hands.

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