Just Call Me Portia

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They made it to the hospital just in time. Caitpin was waiting for them to deliver the baby. "Yo CB." Caitpin thrust her body towards the left. It was Tanya Benquan. "Hey boo. What brings you to these parts?" Caitpin shouted with a smile plastered on her face. "Ya know ya know my sis be pregnant again. How's that white trash blonde potato?" "She pregnant too." "When are you going to tell her about 'us'?" Caitpin's face darkened, "I ain't gonna tell her about 'us' because there is no 'us'." "Thas not wat you said last Tuesday evening." Tanya was gettin mad. "Tanya, you best be leavin'," Caitpin stood up, "or am I gonna have to make you leave?" "Alright, alright I can see when I'm not wanted. Just know this. Befruga, or whatever her name is, is gonna learn the truth. And by then it will be too late." Tanya threw herself out the window. "Hello Ms. Banwig." Caitpin gracefully spun her head around. "Yaaassss?" "Your baby is here."

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang