Literally Pickles

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"What is the meaning of this?!!" The doctor yelled. "Oh my god I thought I was pregnant but it was just a water bottle I kept in my pocket lol." Beluga stared at the open water bottle. "You just wasted so much of our time are you fo serious." The doctors face was as red as Madonna's face when she had that really bad sunburn. "I'M SORRY. I thought the dash on the prego test meant I wuz pregz. Mah bad." "Get out." Beluga and Caitpin walked out of the room. Caitpin gasped. A mysterious triangular shaped woman was standing in their path. "Hello Caitpin." Beluga turned to Caitpin. "Who is this?" "My name is Tanya and that girl standing next to you is my one and only." "Okay, what is going on." "I can explain." Caitpin started sweating profusely. "No, let me explain. See it goes like this. I was sittin at Sonic ordering a nice strawberry slush and I sees this gal sittin at a table. That gal was CB. I walked over to her and started massaging her temples. She starting making weird bird noises, which was kinda creepy, but I was into it ya know. So I invite her to my place. That's when things started to get saucy. We got in my car and drove over to my crib. I pulled out a nice game of monopoly and we started throwing dice if you is pickin up what I is puttin down." Tanya had a ginormous smirk sprinkled on her lips. "Oh my lorde." Beluga started crying. "How could you do this to me?! You said I was the one! You said you loved me! Was all of that just a lie!" Beluga threw her Starbucks coffee cup across the hall. She ran outside. "Puddin cup wait!" Caitpin glared at Tanya. "How could you do this to me?" "It's because I love you my sweet chocolate tapioca cup."

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang