Poptart Revolution

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"I THOUGHT WE WAS GETTIN DRUNK." Replied Beluga. "I'll take a happy meal with extra sour cream." Julandra threw her money at the register. "Yeh. Drunk on happiness!!" Milante did a lil jig. Squad sat down at a table. "Wow wow wow this tofu burger is delish." "I did not sign up for this." Beluga got up and started walking out. "NOT SO FAST." Belugas mom was standing at the door. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALIVE." Belugas mom was wearing a Peggy leggy and a cashmere sweater. The police were standing by her. "YEAH I'M BACK. AND IM BOUT TO GIT MY REVENGE." "JU we gotta get out a here." Milante threw Julandra threw the window and grabbed Belugas arm. "WHY IS THIS APPENING." Said the Jamaican coppah.

At Julandra's apartment. "Hey Julandra, how's the kid?" "Which one?" An army of children stormed through apartment. "Where's your one and only?" "He pickin up grocellas," Julandra said as she ate her burger. "Why yo mom after you beluga?" "It's a long Tory. Basically my moms house is destroyed and some gurls are dead." "Ok." Milante rose up from her slumber. "I've got a plan." Beluga looked at Julandra and Julandra looked at her burger.

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