Shake It On

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Back in high schoo. Before everyone got name changes. "Maia!!" "Yaaasssss?" Kaitlyn was yelling at Maia. "We need to take our relationchips seriously. I think we should take this to the next level." "Ya ya whatever." Maia walked into THE GIRL'S ROOM. "Hey Milquan," said Maia as she licked the ice cream cone. "DON'T CALL ME THAT. Also hi."
In da class
"What this." Maia pointed at an eraser. "That's an eraser. It erases mistakes," Julisa stared at Maia with a smile on her face, "like yourself." "THANKS." The Dora theme song started playing. HERE COMES KAITLYN. Kaitlyn threw her arms up while shaking her hips. "KAITLYN. KAITLYN," The class cheered. "Oh look. It's the Washed out pop star," JUlisa was being mean. "Oh Julisa! I didn't see you there. How's the kid?" "Excuse me. Unlike you snubs I take birth control," Julisa said as she pulled out her birth control case. "You know we can't afford that!! Jelly beans are the best we can manage!" "Maybe you should get a job." "Are you gonna shut up?" Kaitlyn walked over to Julisa, "or am I gonna have to make you shut up?" Julisa jumped up. "Whatever whatever. I only speak the truthz." "Guys calm down." The teacher was breaking up the fight.

"Are you pregnant?" Asked Cassidy "Umm no." Maia closed her locker. "Kaitlyn and I haven't taken it to that level yet. The most we've done is sit next to each other in class." "OOOhhhhh you gettin into it." "Yeah but I'm thinking of dropping out." "Why?" "I don't think high school is for me." Maia had tears in her eyes. "I don't like it here. I want to meet new people and travel the world!" Maia felt her stomach, "and more than anything else in the world. I wanna have a baby. Me and Kaitlyn were gonna try tonight." "You got this."

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