Zumba Squad

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Beluga threw a fork at Caitpin. "What the heck beluga that hurt." "Guess who just got a job at the Cheesecake Factory," Beluga threw her body around, "this guurrrllll." "Oh I actually got fired." "WHAT." "Yeah I was actually supposed to work for 6 hours but I only worked for 3 minutes. Mah bad." "Well I quit then." "How we gonna get money?" "I don't know." Beluga rolled her eyes and her thighs. "You gotta stay and work. Do it for me." "Fine I guess whatever. Why do I have to do everything around here?!!!"

Beluga at the Cheesecake Factory. "Okay what do I do." "Ahh yes you are... Mr Bel Luga Durham." "That's mrs to you and name ain't Bel Luga. It's beluga." "Yeah whatever, go clean the toilets." "I ain't cleanin those nasty things." "Too bad go or you're fired." "Uh fine." Beluga got her hairpins and prepared to clean.

Caitpin was partyin it up with Sammy the chicken and Melly the Refrigerator. "You guys are so crazy! Yeah! Play that Rihanna song!" Belugas mom showed up. "Hey you seen beluga?" "No why?" "I'm trying to get her arrested for blowing up my home and nearly getting me killed." "Nah nah here ya need to chill," Caitpin pulled out some alcohol, "here's some nice Apple juice." "Why thank you Caitpin." Belugas mum drank up. "Ooh that's good! You got any neosporin?" "Yeah why?" "I like to put some on my burger for extra flavor." "That's totes nast but whatevs." Caitpin handed her the neosporin. "OOH this party is about to really begin!"

Beluga walked to her house. "Hey Caitpin you left our car at the Cheesecake Fact- WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!" "Chill beluga yo mom just wanted to have a good time." "She wants me dead CB! DEAD. We need to get her out of here." "Beluga as long as she has her medication she good." "Uh fine but if she kills me it yo fault." "You've been really awful these past days. You've been acting like a bi-." "A WHAT?" "A big meanie." "Well after you left me for that stupid ugly slug can you blame me." "Omg sorry I got caught up in the moment. What do you want from me." "Guys calm down. Come on. Let's go to dollar tree to get some meds." "Okay mom whatever."

They walked into the store. "So what are you looking for mom?" "Get me some Claritin and some Zyrtec and.... OOoohhh nutmeg get some nutmeg!" "Nutmeg?" "MOM no! We ain't goin down that path again! We leavin now!" "Don't worry I got the other stuff." "YAAAASSSSS."

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