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"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" "Nutmeg is dangerous! Especially for my mooM. She gets a lil crazy when she has nutmeg." Caitpin stopped running. "Why did you stop?!" "Let's go see Tanya." "What?! Can we not?! I'm so sick of her face." "We goin!" Caitpin grabbed Belugas arm and ran towards Tanya's place.

"We made it!!" Beluga and Caitpin are fashionably late to Tanya's party. "Why are we here again?" "We goin to take her car." "Hey boo," Tanya said as she walked outside. "Uh please leave." Beluga angrily stares at Tanya. "Barbecue sauce we need your car." "Did you just call her barbecue sauce?" "You can't hev mah car. So best beat it Befruga. Caitpin can stay." Caitpin looked at Beluga. "Let's jump her." "What?" Beluga and Caitpin knocked Tanya up, I mean out, and broke into her car. "Ha and my mom ain't even here." Belugas ma ma crashed through Tanya's place. "Les go!" They drove away.

"What do we do?!" Caitpin drove to the prison. "Hey let's visit Milante." They crashed the jail. "YAAASSSS FREEDOM." "Ya ya ya." Beluga's mom was hot on their tail. CB threw some chicken nuggets at Momma Beluga. They jumped out of the car. Belugas mom followed the car and crashed into the Cheesecake Factory. "Yay we win." "Nice driving CB." "THAANKS."

CB and Beluga traveled home. "So I got a call and it looks like I'll be moving to subway." "Omg get me some salad." "Caitpin I don't like working!!" "Too bad."

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolWhere stories live. Discover now