Get Out Becca

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"Veronica hey how's it goin." "Beluga I'm not very comfortable being here, like I just wasn't ready." Beluga's mummy brought out some tortillas. "WE ARE GONNA GET SO WASTED." "I don't drink." Veronica pouted her luxurious lips. "Mom pass the Advil." Beluga started chugging those pellz. "Chug chug chug chug chug!" "Guyz I'm just gonna go." Beluga threw her body against the door. "No you is not. You are gonna sit down, drink some apple juice, and party like a kid at H-E-B. Do i make myself clear." "Whateva." Veronica took a seat. "I'll put on the Teli. Oooh Dora's on!! Ha ha ha!" The door flew open. "Who the-. Oh it's just Delquan or whatever her name is." "It's Tanya, skank." "Ooohhhh, are you gonna take that Beluga?!" Beluga's momma Mia was cheerin Beluga on. "Whatcha want Tanya?" "I just wanted to let you know tht yo mom is stupid, and CB is on her way. Also I brought some grapes." An alpaca crashed through the house. "Ayayayayaya!" Caitpin was riding the alpaca oh my goodness.

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