Krusty Orange

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"Omg thank lorde you're here." Beluga met her friend Milante at Starbucks. "What ya want?" "CB broke up with me. She's dating this chick named Quandel and it makes me so mad." "I TOLD you that you wasn't gon work out but no no no you didn't listen. Here let me call up my gurl Julandra."

"Hai! Lol I brought tape. So what are we gonna do!!" "Julandra, we going to get so waassssttteeeddd." Said Milante. "Woah woah woah!" Beluga started doing a jive. "What do mean get wasted?!" Milante pulled out some Maracas. "We gonna get smashed, trashed, and mashed!!" "Omg count me in plz." Julandra said as she toppled over. "Ya ya ya!! Then we can breakfast at the chill grill." Milante shook her maracas. Beluga spoke up, "okay listen." "NO YOU LISTEN. We gon get drunk and you gon join us. Does I make mahself clur?" Replied Milante. Beluga rolled her eyes.

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolWhere stories live. Discover now