Preteen Mom

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Tanya and CB were holding hands. Kim was disgusted, "You guys make me sick." "SHUT UP KIM." "Okay ya know what I'm through." KIM called up Beluga. "Yo Beluga come over by the Park and we are goin to talk." "K be there in a min." "KIM what did you do??" "Beluga GON learn the TRUTH ABOUT YOU." "Oh know she ain't." Tanya pulled out a plastic knife from her weave. "Put the knife down." Caitpin was calmin down her woman. "No I'm through wit dis lil Gil. I'm not gonna be pushed around by this lil potato anymore." Tanya lunged at Kim. She stab her. "Ow." Kim fell down. "Oh my god what did you do?!" Caitpin held Tanya close. "I sorry. I don kno what came over me I just lost control." Sirens started blaring in the distance. "I'm gon to jail why why why."

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolWhere stories live. Discover now