Hillary duff is my Jam

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"What up momma." Beluga crashed her car through her Mom's home. "You look awful, what da hack happened?" "Caitpin cheated with some skunk remember." "Yaaassss, sorry I was drinkin some nice koolaid so I'm a lil tipsy." "I'll get Veronica so we can really get this party started." Beluga pulled out her Blueberry and dialed. "Hey hey this Ronnie, how can I help you today." "Yo Veronica is me Beluga. Listen, I need you to drive by my place so we can get started with this." "Okay like I just got done making like 10,000 cupcakes so I'm not really-." "Great, see you at 7:09." "It's 8:30..." "SHUT UP MOM." Beluga threw her blueberry into the toilet. "I am so ready for this. I'll go dive by the drug store to pick up some Benadryl." "Bye mom."

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