Welcome Back Esther

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"Okay CB I'd like you to meet my sis. Yo Kim!" "That's a surprisingly normal name." "Hi hi hi! Kimandrel here!!" Kim watched CB and Tanya through the window. "Never mind." "Kimandrel get in here!" Kim walked in. "What up." "Soooo I hear your pregnant," said CB, awkwardly trying to make conversation. "Umm yeah! You got a with problem that??!!!" "Ok sorry I was just askin." "Wow Tanya your gf is so rude." "Actually we engaged." "OMG WHAT. When's the wedding?!" Tanya glared at Kim, "you ain't invited." "EXCUSE ME." "You heard me." "Why not?!" "You get pregnant every year, you rude, you loud, and ya don't know how to read." "I AINT," Kim cleared her throat, "I ain't loud. Yeah I get pregnant a lot but that's cuz I like babies. And i can tone it down just let me go please!!" Kim got on her calves. "I WANNA GO!" "Okay fine whateva just shut up." "YAYAYAYYAYAYAY." Kim sprinted to her room. "Sorray CB. She's such a tramp-," Kim walked back in with an angry expression on her face "-oline! We really need to git a trampoline for our new place!!" Kim walked back into her room. "Tanya why you afraid a her?" "Is a long story. Let's just say she got some mud on me." "Oooohhhhh!!!"

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolWhere stories live. Discover now