Toaster Troubles

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Veronica and Milante were already at the hospital. "Hey Ju." "Hey Milly!" Caitpin swam over to Veronica. "Omg hi! Nice to meet you." "Hello." Milante started chattin. "So where's the father?" Carnose casually crawled over to the group of female warriors. "Hey guyyygsssss." "Julandra." The hospital peeps called Julandra over. "Good luck Julandra!" "Thaaannnkksss." Julandra left. Kim and Tanya walked through the hospital doors. "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!" KIM screamed. "Oh my god Kim shut up." "Sorry Tanya." "Hey Milante wanna go get some breakfast?" "Sure." Beluga and Milante walked to the cafeteria. Caitpin and Veronica stayed behind. "Hey CB. How's life?" "Tanya just stop." Caitpin slapped Tanya. "What was that for?!" "I know why you're here!" "You don't know anything!" Tanya started crying and ran into the restroom. "I hate when she gets like this!" Caitpin took a lil stroll around the hospital. "Woah okay. Can anybody say #awkward?" Kim took a quick selfie and wrapped her arm around Veronica's. "Let's go watch some Mtv." "K."

Continued in Cb and Mdur 2

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolWhere stories live. Discover now