What Is It Courtney

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CB was goin on a stroll with Kim and Tanya. "I'm hungry," Kim said. "Wanna hit up that McDonalds over thur?" Tanya punted at a McDonalds surrounded by the po po. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED." Belugas mom walked over to CB. "Hey Caitpin." "What's the sitch?" Kim shouted. "KIM NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU!" "TANYA, YOU BEST WATCH IT." "Guyz chill," Caitpin said with tears in her eyes. "Why can't we all just be pals." "My daughter blew up my house. I did what any responsible parent would and took some pepto-bismol. Then I called the fuzz." "Beluga..." Caitpin lifted her head and stared at the sun. Tanya got up set. "Fo get about that skank. You got me now." "WHO'S BELUGA?" "QUIT YELLIN." "WHO GON MAKE ME?" Tanya stared at her shoes in defeat. "YEAH," Kim cleared her tonsils, "thas what I thought." "I'm going to find her." Tanya touched Caitpins face. "If that'll make you happy," Tanya pulled out some peach cobbler, "HA." Tanya threw the peache cobbler at the McDonald's and it went BOOM.

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolWhere stories live. Discover now