Peanut Allergy

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At Subway. "YES!" "What is it Su?" Beluga asked her manager. "I just booked," Su squinted at her clipboard, "Iguana Camellia." "Do you mean Iggy Azalea?" "Yeah her whatever." "OMG I GOTZ TO TELL CB ABOUT THIS." Beluga got in her car and drove home.

"IGGY IS COMIN TO TOWN!" "I know it's crazy!!" Caitpin started hyperventilating. "Caitpin chill." "I LOVE IGGY. When is she arriving?" "Oh I didn't ask." Beluga called manager. "Hey Su when is Iggy showing up?" "Thursday." "Ok." Beluga aimed her voice towards her target. "She's gonna be here on Thursday." "THAT'S TOMORROW! We gotta go!" "Maybe we shouldn't go..." "Why not?!" "Iggy's popular around this part of town and Subway has a maximum capacity of 7 people. We are not goin to fit." "But I wanna go..." "Ugh fine." "Yay!"

The next day. "Hey what's up I'm Iggy." "Ah yes you are Iguana, right? The stage is over there go prepare please." "Actually it's Iggy but whatevs." Beluga and Caitpin showed up a lil early cause Beluga had to work that day. "OMG IT'S IGGY." "Best behave CB or you gonna get the spatula." "I'll behave I'll behave." People started showing up. "Where's Iggy?" Asked Someone. "Oh she's on stage," Beluga replied. "Sweet." The people started walking towards the stage. "Actually you'll need to buy something if you want to see Iggz." "Alright I'll take a nice sandwich with some ham. "Oh sorry we're out of ham." "Oh. How about turkey?" "We're outta that too." "But I see some right there..." The person pointed at the turkey. Beluga grabbed the turkey and threw it it the trash. "I don't see anything." "Okay then I'll have-" "It looks like we're out of everything." "Well how are we supposed to see Iggy." "Guess you can't so you should just leave." Beluga tossed the people out of the store.

Iggy started rappin. "YEAH YEAH. I'm Iggy and it rhymes with piggy!" Beluga took a sip of her orange tea. "This is horrible music but at least CB is happy." "IGGY!" "Where is everyone?" Su asked. "Guess no one likes Iggy after all." "I knew I should've booked Illiana Bandaid."

CB and MDur: Chronicles of A Teen Pop IdolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang