Avocado Probz

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"I'm so glad all that jazz is over." Beluga was eating an pie. Veronica was getting some ice cream. "Me too. Pardon my French, but those girls are big jerks." "Hey Ronnie can I tell you something?" Veronica looked Beluga in the eye. "You can tell me anything." "I'm thinking about breaking up with Caitpin." Veronica opened her mouth in astonishment. "Why would you ever do such a thing?" "Did you see the way Caitpin abandoned me out in the battlefield? I needed her but she left me." Beluga started tearing up. "I just want to be loved!" Beluga threw her slice of apple pie at a Demi Lovato poster. Veronica stared at the poster. A smile appeared on her face. " I think I know something that would cheer you up."

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