Watermelon or Bust

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"Hey I'm back." "What." "It's nothin it's nothin." Caitpin and Beluga were havin a chat. "So I got a job." "Where at?" Beluga asked. "The Cheesecake Factory." "Ooohhhh finally. Now we can start makin some dough." "No more trash diggin for us!" "When do you start?" "In an hour so I best get goin." "Come back soon." "K." Caitpin took the dominoes pizza car and drove away.

Beluga lay down on the couch. "I'm so booooorrrreeed." Beluga called Veronica. "Yo Ronnie." No one picked up. "Yo Milante. O wait she in jail. UMMMM how about Tanya." Beluga called Tanya. "DON'T CALL ME TRAMP STAMP, BEACHED WHALE, TRASH PRINCESS." She hung up. "Oh my god that was my last friend." "CB COME BACK."

Cb is walkin in the building. "I'm here." "Ahh yes you are... Ms Caitshin Banwig?" "Um actually it's Caitpin." "Yeah whatever. Go clean the tables." "Okay got it I GOT IT." Caitpin grabbed her sponge and knife and got to cleanin.

Caitpin walked home after a long day of working. "Hey gurl." Beluga awoke from her slumber. "Oh my god Caitpin I missed you. How was the job?" "It was great I really had a good time. I'll be working tomorrow too." "What?! What am I supposed to do?!" "Eat some celeb or something I dunno." "Fine!" Beluga cried and ran to her room.

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