I'm From Africa

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High School Flashback. "I could seriously go for a hot cup of OJ." Maia said to Kaitlyn as they stormed the halls. "Maybe you should get some, skunk bag." Julisa was at her locker slinging insults like Betty White slings tortillas. RIP BW. "Please shut up Julisa. I'm not in the mood." "How's your mom? Last I heard she just checked into rehab." Maia twisted her face. "She just got out actually." Julisa threw her cafeteria food at Maia. Maia gasped. "OOOHHHH." "Okay no. I ain't gonna let you treat mah gurl like that." Kaitlyn grabbed a rock. "Okay now everybody calm down." A teacher walked over. Just kidding. It was Milante. Milante slugged Julisa. Julisas weave fell out. "OH MY GOD." "FIGHT." Errbody started gettin rowdy. "Guys chill," Maia calmed the crowd down. "Maia I got this." Kaitlyn pulled out a taco and tossed it at the principal. "FOOD FIGHT!" All the students started tossin ketchup and fake spinach. "KAITLYN LET'S BAIL!" Kaitlyn and Maia ran home until the next day.

The next day at school. "Hey guys." "Hey Mozzarella Slice how ha doin." "I swear to god Kaitlyn," Milante said as she glared at at Kaitlyn. Maia, Milante, and Kaitlyn walked into Ms. Wu Quan's class. "Hello class today we'll be talking about fractions." Ms. Wu Quan continued talking. "Yo Maia!" Lilo whispered. "What up?" "You missed the fight! Julisa got real mad and started screaming it was crazy!" "That's nice." "EXCUSE ME MISS MAIA. Do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" "No Ms...Ms...okay I really don't know how to say your name but sorry for interrupting." "Okay now. Has anyone seen Julisa?" "I saw her get in a white van yesterday." Deli said. "What?!"

"Hey guys I made this really cool sandwich!" "Omg I got 33 likes on my profile picture! YAASSSS." "Soooo are we not concerned with the kidnapping of Julisa ooorrrr." "It's her fault for being so mean." "Yeah she got a taste of her own medicine." "Yeah it's totally Julisas fault for being kidnapped..." Maia rolled her eyes.

During a passing period. Maia and Milante walked near the principals office. "WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!" "I was hangin with him." "That guy is way too old for you!" "Just let me see him." Maia and Milante walked back to class.

"Okay since nobody seems to care about Julisa's disappearance, we'll have to go take her back." Maia took charge. "PREACH!" Milante did her signature kick. "YEAH WE GOT DIS!" Kaitlyn started crying. They got into Kaitlyns new ride and followed the van into a barn. "Okay Kaitlyn, you'll take out the guard." Kaitlyn ran up to some woman and stabbed her with a knife. Blood started pouring out of her body. "Help me...please." "Can you not." Maia and Milante ran into the barn. "The jig is up!" Milante kicked the mysterious male. "What are you doing?!" Julisa was wearing a ronald McDonald wig. "We're here to save you!" "From what?!" Milante pointed at the guy she kicked. "That's my boyfriend! Carnose." "His name is Carnose?" Sirens started going off. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" "Oh yeah Kaitlyn kinda stabbed that lady and she started screaming so the neighbors prolly called the popo. "THAT WAS CARNOSE'S MOM WHAT DA HECK." Julisa picked up Carnose. Maia ran to the car. Kaitlyn, Milante, and Julisa, while carrying Carnose, followed her. "No one invited you." Maia was angry with Julisa. "Okay look I'm sorry for being mean to you! I was always jealous of your relationship with Kaitlyn!" "Whatever." Kaitlyn drove off.

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