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*Jack's P.O.V.*

Flying. We've been flying for, what, 2 and a half hours? Almost everyone had gotten tired somewhere in this journey, so most of them were resting. I, on the other hand, was wide awake.

I couldn't get that other version of me out of my head and he's been quiet, which is petty irritating since he wouldn't shut up earlier. "Jack?" One of the kids asked shyly, bringing my attention to them sitting next to me.

Once Pippa knew she had my attention, she continued, "Are... are you feeling alright?" She asked cautiously. I unintentionally sighed but nodded. "Yeah, why?" I asked, I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

She seemed to try to choose her words very carefully before responding, which kind of amused me to practically see the gears turning in her head. "You s-seem... distant?" She paused, thinking more.

"You seem-" she began but was cut off by Bunny. "Extremely broody" he finished for her. I just blinked, processing what they were saying. 'And why does it matter? Get off my ass.' I though to myself.

Oo~ Someone has an attitude!~

I internally rolled my eyes at the voice's appearance. "Is that something I normally don't do?.. or something?" I questioned, wondering why they were suddenly interested in my actions.

Pippa seemed to stiffen and look at Bunny like she had done something wrong. "Not normally, but.." Bunny said with a shrug, to which I shrugged in response as well. Honestly, I could care less right now.

"I'm sorry," Pippa mumbled almost silently. "Its fine kid," my response seemed to startle her. "Y-you-" I interrupted her with a nod and a 'yep' while motioning to my ears. "Hightened hearing," she nodded and returned to her seat.

I let out a deep, silent sigh. We flew for a few more hours and I began to feel hungry again. 'Great.' I thought.

Uh oh~

The voice sang, to which I ignored. I leaned back in my seat, resting a hand on my stomach as a dull hunger pain faintly made its presence known. I stared up at the sky as the hunger pain slowly became stronger within about 30 minutes.

I furrowed my brows in mild annoyance and my stomach let out a painfully loud growl, earning some unwanted attention. I growled in annoyance, my expression growing signifficantly more irritaed and peeved. "Jack-" Tooth began but was interrupted by a louder growl.

I winced slightly as the pain also grew worse and by now all eyes were on me. "Mhm." Was my only response, noticing the stares growing incredibly anxious but one pair just stayed knowing and concerned.

"Maybe we should take a bathroom break?" Jake suggested. "Yeah, vampires gotta pee too." I tried to redirect the attention to a different topic, which recieved a few chuckles. I squeezed my eyes shut as a huge wave of hunger pain struck, and as my hunger grew more intense than before.

"Right! Landing now!" North announced as we began landing. I could still feel Jamie's eyes on me but I couldn't care. I was so hungry. Once we landed, I immediately got out of the sleigh. "Jack," Jake called and I turned to look at him.

"We know its hurting you," he said. Before we left I didn't want them to know yet, but right now I couldn't care less. I just looked at him, nonchalantly shrugging. I could feel myself getting more ravenous and srunched my face in pain.

"What are we going to do? Is he going to have to-" Monty began, but was interrupted by Jamie unbandaging his arm and rolling up his sleeve.

I knew he'd be useful~

I was just watching him, stomach grumbling desperately. Everyones eyes landed back on me. 'God the staring is getting annoying.' I thought. "Go ahead, its okay." He coaxed. Something in me made me hesitate. I stepped closer, pushing the feeling down and took his wrist and began to feed, with no hesitation this time.

My eyes trailed up to Jamie's who was attempting to hide the fact it was hurting. I let go for a moment, making sure I had his full attention. "This doesnt hurt." I commanded, feeling satisfied when his eyes hazed for a moment and then he completely relaxed.

I continued to feed, the taste filling my senses and making me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I'm pretty sure I heard some surprised noises but ignored them, wanting more of the warm liquid. "Jack.." Jamie whispered, I hesitated but released him with a slight huff and rebandaged his wrist.

I wiped my mouth on my sleeve, "Good?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile. "Yeah! You?" I nodded. I sniffed the air, my senses becoming overwhelmed by an awful stench. I plugged my nose, "Something's rotting." I gagged.

"Huh?" Jake asked. "Likely a deer," Bunny added as everyone began to get back into the sleigh. I still felt hungry, though.

We need more.

'I know.' I responded, earning a chuckle from the voice. Unknown to me as we began flying again, my orange eyes gained a red tint.


Hallo Snowflakes!

Long time no see!! Anyway Jack's freakin me out a bit so this story is pribably going to be a bit dark haha..

Anyway stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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