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*No one's P.O.V*

Signs flew above Sandy's head anxiously and quickly. No one could understand what he was saying, let alone as fast as he was saying them, as well as Jack so it took a moment for the Guardians- minus Jack- and some of the children to catch onto what he was saying.

"What..?" One of the children asked quietly. "He said 'has anyone else noticed him seeming.... darker?" Bunny conveyed, 'him' was referring to Jack who had managed to fall asleep to ignore the hunger pains.

They all collectively nodded, Jake bore a solemn look upon his face. "Yes, with his center gone we should've expected some sort of... change in his personality," Jake commented.

"Center makes people who they are." North stated, glaring in frustration and worry into the distance as they flew. "Everybody has center. They are born with it. I could never imagine what happens when center is gone." He finished with a sigh.

"I'm sorry," Jake started. "Since becoming a Guardian his center became tied to his power, in turn, suppressing his winter magic also meant surppressing his center, I didn't fully realize that would be the case until it was too late.. and when he began to show signs of change." Jake explained.

"Its alright, mate. We just need to fix this before its too late for him." Bunny replied with a saddened tone. "W-whats going to happen if he doesn't get changed back?" Cupcake asked. "That is for Man in Moon to decide." North answered.

Unbeknownst to the group, Jack had woken up when Cupcake spoke up. He galred in anger. He hated feeling unlike himself. He hated being the constant center of attention. He hated that he didn't care about things he normally would care about.

Killing typically never crossed his mind unless he was pushed over the edge, which only happened around 2-3 times within 300 years. But right now, he wanted to kill Pitch. He wanted to drain every ounce of blood from his body, make him pay for harming countless people, for ruining fun times with his new friends and family.

He'd never felt this much hatred before. He hated that too. Jack sat up slowly, feeling sluggish and groggy, his limbs aching when he moved. The boy let out a small grown, unintentionally, but luckily no one heard.

Jack clutched his stomach as it panged harshly, causing him to wince. He was just so hungry and the voice was nagging at him to eat, which was giving him a bad headache. "Jack? Are you okay?" A small voice came from his side.

Jamie looked on in worry, having brought his attention to the older boy when he heard a faint groan and saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Jack simply ignored Jamie, tired of the questions, the unwanted attention, the nagging.

He simply closed his eyes, his face hiding most of the pain he was in, but his stomach betrayed him with loud starved growls. The others' attention was brought to him once again but they didn't make it so obvious.

"North." Bunny stated, earning a nod from the other man. North began slowly and carefully landing the sleigh. The Guardians knew when Jack was in some sort of pain or if something was wrong, because he would often fiddle with the hem of his hoodie and/or try to sleep it off. Jack rarely sleeps unless he needs to.

The sleigh landed gracefully and a few of the company stepped out to give their friend some space. "Jack, can you come with me please?" Jake asked softly. The boy opened his eyes, only just realizing they had landed. He looked around.

A few of the others were setting up camp. "We've made good time, we stop for night," North said, giving a soft smile. Jack very slowly got up, avoiding some of the glances, and followed Jake. "Where are you taking me?" The hungry boy asked as they walked. "Getting you food. Some vampires have a bigger appetite than most, and I think you are one of them." They crouched behind a bush.

There was a lone buck, laying wounded from a broken leg. Jacks eyes focused completely on the animal. Jake just stayed silent, allowing the older boy to do what he needed. Said boy stood, walking over to the frightened buck.

They locked eyes and with a silent command from Jack, the deer ralaxed and laid down. He rested a hand on the snout of the deer and lowered his head, parting his lips, and beginning to feed on the injured creature.

Jack cradled its head as it grew weaker. A few moments go by and the boy releases the buck, gently laying its head down. He felt almost full, almost satisfied. Jake could tell it wasn't quite enough so he rolled up his sleeve and offered it to Jack.

Said boy looked at the younger, who simply smiled and nodded. Jack slowly took his wrist and sucked gently on it, savoring the sweet, warm, and thick liquid as it graced his lips. He quickly grew satisfied, finally, and bandaged Jakes wrist.

He didn't take much but he could tell Jake was affected as he swayed slightly. "Thanks, kid." He handed the younger boy a cookie he'd stolen from the workshop and picked him up. "Get some sleep." He finished, walking back to the camp, not caring to wipe the excess blood away from his lower lip.

As the others watched Jack lay the small boy down, they silently questioned what had transpired between the two. Jack, feeling very full plopped down next to Jake's sleeping form with a content sigh.

Rise of The Guardians: HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now