A Journey Begins

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*Bunny's P.O.V.*

Jack had just collapsed into unconsciousness in my arms. I was doing my best to stay calm and hide my concern. This bloody show pony, what in the moon is wrong with him? He was fine when he faught Pitch off..

"Bunny!" Someone, Tooth, shouted at me as they rushed over. I looked up from the frail boy in my arms. I subconciously gripped him tighter, as if protecting him.

"What happened? Why is he unconscious?!" She asked, raising her voice even more. "Nothin! While you all were squabblin he passed out! We need ta figure out what the bloody hell is wrong with him insted of yellin' at eachother 'bout it!" I shouted back.

Sometimes these guys are real pricks. They all seemed to look ashamed of themselves, even Jake. Alice huffed. Jake walked over and knelt down infront of Jack and I. He put a hand on Jack's forehead and looked very confused and frustrated.

"I'm really sorry, but I don't know exactly what is wrong with him. He feels warm, however. And even I can see that that's a bad thing, he is still a winter spirit after all." He stated, looking solemnly at Jack, and then raising his eyes to meet mine.

I felt the slightest of shifts in my arms and I looked down at the source. Jack's eyebrows were furrowed in discomfort. I lightly brushed his white hair out of his face.

"Wait! I have books on monsters and mythical creatures at my home! We might be able to figure out what's wrong, and hopefully before Pitch strikes again!" Jake shouted hopefully, jumping to his feet.

Hope.. I smiled at seeing so much of my center in this boy. "A'right, mates. Let's go." I stated. I gently picked Jack up bridal style, being sure to craddle his head and prop it on my shoulder so he's somewhat comfortable.

I heard a soft, but strained, sigh emit from his lips as I did so. The rest of the Guardians walked ever so close to me to be sure that nothing happened to Jack.

We all hopped into the sleigh and flew off, to Jake's home. All the while Jake had been cheering for he was but a child in Santa's sleigh.


Hallo my bootiful Snowflakes~

Here's another chapter! I may update this story the most because it is quite popular. If you want me to update another of my stories, just ask and hopefully I can.

Well, until next time! Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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