Sleep Tight

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*Jack's P. O. V. *

My arm was still slightly sore but it slowly began to fade. I'm still very happy that I could help people by being able to take their pain, the price to pay mattered little to me.

We had gathered a total of 5 places where werewolves frequent, but we still had a few more books to read, before we moved further. I no longer had anymore books so I leaned back in my chair, and unintentionally started to doze off.

I woke to being cradled in large, yet warm arms. I didn't realize how tired I was until I could barely ooen my eyes to look at the being holding me, but I managed.

I strained my eyes and saw it was North who held me. I let my eyes close again, drifting back into unconsciousness.

*Third Person P. O. V. *

As Jack fell into a much needed sleep, the only person to really notice was Bunny. The pooka quickly pointed the sleeping boy out to the other Guardians quietly, to which everyone marveled at his peaceful expression.

"He looks so small when he's sleeping," Tooth cooed in a hushed voice. North, being similar to a father to the young spirit, smiled ever so fondly. The jolly man rose from his seat with a good stretch and made his way to said child.

The small frame was scooped up effortlessly, sleeping soundly. "I will take him to main lounge room. When you all finish, Bunny will escort you there." North informed to which Bunny nodded in affirmation.

North quietly exited the room. Along the way, Jack stirred lightly earning a few glances from North. North almost missed when Jack's eyes fluttered open tiredly, to which Santa simply gave him a loving smile.

*North's P. O. V. *

Jack stirred gently in my embrace. I glanced down, hoping it wasn't a nightmare, being relieved when I saw no signs of one. I saw his tired eyes flutter and I looked down at him.

He seemed too out of it and confused, so I just gave him the warmest smile I could and he went limp once again as we arrived in the main lounge room. I gently lay Jack's small frame down onto the squishy sofa.

Luckily Phil was walking through so I stopped him. "Could you get blanket for Jack?" I asked in a very low whisper. Phil glanced at Jack and gave a soft grunt, going off to aquire the item.

I pulled one of the big chairs closer to the sofa and let myself sink into it, sighing heavily. Phil came back moments later with a plush red blanket. I stood, taking the soft item and thanked him quietly as he left.

I wrapped the blanket over Jack, who was quick to snuggle into it. Once I sat back down, the others entered the room, some aweing at the sight of Jack snuggled into a ball.

The children quietly chattered amongst themselves as I discussed our next move with Bunny.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Sorry for so much fluff but I just feel that it's needed. The story was getting a tad darker than I intended but I hope to have more action soon!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

Rise of The Guardians: HalloweenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang