Revelation Pt. 2

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*Jack's P.O.V. *

My head was throbbing. I heard muffled voices. Likely the same ones from before, from the other Guardians. My whole body ached, it felt like I had been thrown against a brick wall five times.

I tried to move but it just made the pain worse. I remembered drinking something that eased the pain, but it must have worn off. I began to open my eyes.

*Bunny's P.O.V. *

The whole mood in the room had been lifted when Jake said that he was able to help Jack. Said Spirit begin shifting in my arms very slightly. His eyes began to flutter open.

He's waking up! "Guys!" I successfully got the others' attention. Jack's eyes fluttered open and his bright orange eyes we're now dimmed.

Krikey... He looks terrible.. "Hey mate.. How ya feelin'?" I asked in a hushed voice, fearing if I spoke too loud I might frighten the disoriented boy.

He looked around the room, still not all there. He slowly looked at everyone and his surroundings, and slowly brought his eyes to meet mine. It almost felt as if he was looking right through me.

His voice was hoarse and quiet. "B-bunny..?" He strained. "Yeah, mate. It's me, your gonna be just fine," I smiled at him.

*Jack's P.O.V. *

I flew into a coughing fit. It felt as if daggers were running through my lungs with every breath and cough that racked my body.

Bunny held me closer, rubbing my back and lightly patting it until the coughs slowly subsided. I felt tears well up in my eyes, I tried to will them away as much as I could but I was too weak and I found myself sobbing in pain.

I must look like a helpless child right now.. I mentally scolded myself for letting my emotions show so easily. I could hear Bunny and Tooth's calming voices trying to soothe me.

"W-whats happening to me?" I croaked. I almost fell into another coughing fit but I was able to stop myself.

"Jake says that the sand Pitch used on you was only meant for humans, and that if the sand was used on magical beings, the side effects are dangerous. But he found a way to make your winter magic dormant so your powers wouldn't clash and make your condition worse until we get the sand back." They explained.

"Oh.." that's all I could say. My body hurt and my head was spinning so fast that I couldn't think straight. In fact, my head was spinning so much that I almost felt sick.

*Tooth's P.O.V. *

Poor Jack.. I could tell that he wasn't all there, and probably didn't understand all of what we had told him. His eyes shut halfway, his dull eyes staring off into space.

Is he going to pass out again..? He actually looked little green. Without warning his eyes shot open wide and he lurched up, rushing to the nearest trash bin and letting the contents of his stomach pour out into the bin, in the kitchen.

My motherly instincts came flooding in and I rushed into the kitchen towards him, while the others stayed back a little. I rubbed his back as his body shook, at this point he was dry heaving.

I hushed little nothings into his ear while rubbing his back in an attempt to help calm him down. I think it worked, because the convulsions and dry heaving slowly came to a stop.

I motioned for Bunny to get a wet wash cloth and a cup of water for the boy, and he did as I requested. At this point Jack was slumped over the bin his arms resting on the edges and his head resting on his arms.

"Are you alright sweety?" I asked. His body stiffened for a moment, but finally relaxed. He nodded slowly. "I need you to sit up okay?" I asked as Bunny retured with the rag and water.

Luckily we were right next to a wall, so Jack sat up and leaned against it. He breathed heavily as if he ran 3 miles, as I cleaned his burning face off with the wet towel. I handed him the cup of water and he drank slowly.

*Jake's P.O.V. *

I was about halfway done with the potion when I heard... sick noises. I rushed into the other room to see what what's going on, and Jack was leaning against the wall with the Guardians gathered around him.

"What happened? Is he alright?" I asked in worry. Bunny stood up and pulled me aside. "He's not doin' too hot, mate.." he glanced back at Jack who had his head resting on North's shoulder as Tooth wiped his face.

"How long 'till the potion's ready?" Bunny asked. "About 10-15 minutes! If I work harder, maybe sooner!" I cheered. Bunny smiled gratefully, "Please hurry." I nodded and rushed back into my 'lab'.

It was actually just a spare bedroom.

Hallo my Bootiful Snowflakes!

I've missed all of you so much! I'm so sorry for ghosting for a long time, I've been super busy with graduating high school and being in a play, and I'm actually in a another play right now that aires in October!

I will update as much as I can, and if you have any questions, concerns, etc! Feel free to message me! I do have an Instagram as well that I'm very active on if you would like to follow me or message me on there, the information is in my bio, as well as my Tik Tok where I make cosplay videos!

As of right now, I will see you all in the next chapter! I hope you enjoy!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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