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*Bunny's P.O.V.*

Jake yelled for Jack to stop, the werewolf was a child. We were all stunned, even Jack. I saw his eyes flash to their original fosty blue for a split second. 'He's still in there,' I thought in so much relief.

I went to attack Pitch while he was distracted but stopped when i saw his arm extended and a trail of black sand whisping through the air. It looked- it looked almost exactly the same as when he shot Sandy that day.

"NO!!" I screamed. I was so frozen in shock- I couldn't move. I have to move! Jack turned slightly to look at us, he could hear us shouting for him. His face- its the same as Sandy's was- no. Jack looks more scared than Sandy was.

Then it hit me. 'He's still just a kid..' I realized. Pitch was laughing, he was enjoying this.. wait- where'd the wolf go? Its gone.. I noticed Jack looking at Pitch, his eyes glowing a fierce icy blue. The moonlight grew brighter, almost moving with Jack as he moved his arm out.

I could only stare in awe as Jack encased Pitch in ice. "Jack!!" Came a shout. I looked back at my friend who's eyes had become a dull grey-orange, and who was falling motionless to the ground. Finally I found myself able to move and sprang forward to aid my friend.

Shouts and cries continued as I lifted him into my lap from the ground. "Jack!" I pleaded, shaking him. His dull eyes stared through me, unseeing. His ears, deaf to our cries. "Bunny.." came North's solemn hollow voice.

I looked up, tears in my eyes. Then I looked to the kids, who were forced to stand a considerable distance back by Sandy's magic. My heart broke as they cried for their beloved friend. I looked up at the moon to curse it for doing such a horrible thing, allowing this to happen.

But I stopped. There, above us, in the still brightly shining moonlight, were very few snowflakes. They were scattered and somewhat hard to spot, but they were there. "Bunny?" Came Tooth's concerned voice.

I closed his eyes and gathered him into my arms. "Stand back," I said quietly, standing up. My fellow Guardians did as I asked and I continued to look up. I felt the wind subtlely pick up, but only barely.

Somehow I was being guided to do what I'm doing. I raised Jack's body a bit higher and the moonlight seemed to gather him up in it's arms. Jack floated there as I took a step back.

We watched in awe and apprehension as the wind around Jack picked up at almost a violent speed. His hoodie became its former navy blue once again, his skin it's natural healthy pale color.

His hair turned back to it's pure snow white fluffiness and was whipped around by the wind. His once tense expression, became soft and relaxed. A small flurry circled him and the air got its normal chill when the spirit was near.

I couldn't help but smile at him. The moonlight dimmed to it's natual state and Jack began to fall to the ground. North was faster than me and caught him before he hit the ground.

*North's P.O.V.*

I cought the boy just before he collided with the ground. I barely noticed Sandy allow the children to approach, but they were gracious enough to give us some space. "Jack," I coaxed, gently shaking the boy.

The wound on his chest was gone, so I'm sure he's fine now, yes? "My boy.. please.." I quietly pleaded. A soft groan escaped the small frame in my arms and large, striking blue eyes fluttered open. "N-North..?" He groaned, reaching a hand to his head. "Ow.." he gave a groggy pout and we all cheered in relief.

"He's okay! He's back!!" Came multiple voices, but Jack seemed unphased. "North..?" Ice blue eyes gazed worriedly up at me. "Why are you crying?" Came his soft, caring voice. Oh MiM, how I've missed him. The real him.

I hugged him so tight, overtaken by relief and happiness. "We thought we lost you, my boy." I almost sobbed. Jack hugged me back just as tight and I pulled back just a little.

"I'm so sorry.." he smiled sadly, looking at everyone. "I'm sorry for what I put you through, truely-" he was interrupted by everyone joining in on the massive hug. Everyone expressed their worry and grief, we all missed our Jack and we were so happy to have him back.

I helped Jack to his feet, who was still a bit wobbly from the whole ordeal. "I believe this," Bunny held out Jack's staff towards him, "belongs to you." Jack looked at the staff almost hesitantly.

*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack slowly curled his fingers around the rough wood of his staff, frost crackling around the wood surrounding his hand. A gust of wind blew around Jack as if old friends were finally reunited, which they were. A bright smile spread across the spirit's face in pure joy.

He traced his long fingers over his beloved staff, smiling softly at the familiar texture. "I missed you too wind," he breathed as the wind ruffled his hair in a long overdue greeting. It swept him up in a flash, gaining a started but happy laugh in return.

Jack landed back on the ground after a moment and took a deep breath, frost spiraling from his feet. "The man in the moon will keep Pitch frozen and sealed away for a long time," his voice grew serious. "But I'm afraid the battle is not yet over." He turned to face a nearby town in the distance.

"His nightmares are still out there." Jack glared. "Then we'll stop them," Jamie stepped forward, looking up at his big brother-like figure. Jack nodded in agreement and the wind swept him up. The others, going to the sleigh and Jake summoned Alice.

"We're going to save Halloween," Jack affirmed. And off they went, to protect adults and children alike.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Jack is okay!! And he's back to normal! I really hope you are enjoying this book and I cant wait to see y'all in the next chapter!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

Rise of The Guardians: HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now