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*No One's P.O.V.*

Although no one said it, they were concerned for Jack. He hadn't feed in quite a long time and he was no doubt going to have a big battle ahead of him. "Jack, come with me," Jake spoke, summonning Alice.

"What for?" The older boy questioned, begrudgingly standing up. North glanced back at them, knowing what Jake was doing. "Just come on, please?" Jake sat upon his horse and Jack followed with a sigh.

They flew into the distance, headed towards a small town. "Where are you taking me?" Jack questioned, a little annoyed that the smaller child hadn't said much of anything. "We're getting you some food." Came the response.

"Good, I'm starving," Jack breathed in relief. Jake glanced back at Jack, slightly concerned, but then again when wasn't anyone concerned for their friend. They landed near a hospital, and there was an opened blood drive truck parked in the back.

"Hm.. convinient," Jack mumbled. Jake pulled out a ice chest type box, but it heated it's contents instead of cooling them. "Alright lets load up before we get caught." Jake began packing blood bags into his box.

"Uh, no one can see us," Jack began. "I hid what makes you Jack frost, now you're just a spooky vampire and people can see you, so hop to it!" Jake exclaimed. Jack blinked, "well shit." He stated, stuffing as many blood bags as he could into his hoodie pockets and into Jake's box.

The smaller boy closed up his box and locked it, hopping back onto Alice and Jack soon followed. "You should ea-" Jake began but as he turned to look at Jack, said boy was already done with 2 of the 5 bags he'd stuffed in his pocket.

"..... never mind," he mumbled, facing forward again. A small amused snort came from behind him.

They finally made it back to the sleigh and boarded it, Alice flying away to where she rests. Jack recieved a few glances but no comments. He was still currently working on the bags he'd stuffed in his pocket, it was his last one. "Better?" Jake asked, "mhm!" Jack hummed in content.

Once he finished the bag, he reached into his pocket for more but came up empty. He looked up in almost alarm and notice was quickly taken. "Okay, calm down, I have more!" Jake quickly took his box out and handed him a few more bags, Jack quickly taking them and drinking.

Yes~ Drink to your heart's content, revel in the flavor, the warmth~

The voice applauded Jack, who was no longer ignoring it and was finally giving into it. It did not go unnoticed as dark veins circled underneath his eyes. Worried glances were shared and anxiety was high.

The Jack they new was being completely consumed by his transformation. Has Pitch already won? Or is there still hope for the winter spirit?


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Short chapter but I feel like we're nearing the end of this book! I hope you enjoyed and can't wait to update again!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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