Their Bond

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*Bunny's P.O.V. *

There was something off about Jack once that wolf monster showed up. Jake had gotten us outside of the cave just in time, because it sounded like it was getting ugly in there.

"What's goin on mate?! What's happening?!" I asked. I desperately wanted to go in there and help Jack, but that could end even worse.

"That is a werewolf, and if any of you know any lore about vampires and werewolves, then you'd know that they are natural and sworn enemies." Jake explained.

It makes more sense now, but still. "Despite Jack's size, he's more than strong enough to take it on. And likely win." Jake added, searching his pockets.

There was suddenly a loud crash and the wolf came flying out of the cave, Jack soon followed. The wolf got up and howled again, making Jack drop to his knees.

Jack's body language was really odd. He began hissing and moving as if to taunt the monster. "Jack, what are you doing?!" Tooth shouted at him, but he didn't pay any attention to her.

Jack and the wolf charged each other.
The wolf had it's mouth open wide and surely it would bite Jack in half but, in the blink of an eye, Jack had the monster in a head lock and slammed it to the ground.

I stared on in shock. This isn't something Jack would do, but then again he doesn't have his powers so what choice does he have.

But the animalistic look in his eyes, it worries me. The beast snarled and Jack hit it down again and the wolf surrendered. Before we could react, it vanished in black sand.

Pitch appeared right after and vanished too. Jack stood, hunched over, panting with his mouth open and baring his fangs.

North tried to approach him but Jake and Alice stopped him. "What's wrong with him?! Why won't you let us pass?!" Tooth was so upset she was almost crying.

"He's not in control right now! He bit the werewolf!" Jake retorted. We all gathered that was a bad thing. Jake turned to Jack who had his eyes on us. "Jack..? I need you to try and calm down, okay?" He coaxed, earning a hiss in return.

Jake took a small step toward Jack, my eyes glued onto Jack in case he made a sudden move. "Can you hear me..?" He asked. No answer.

Jake cocked his head slightly to the side and whispered, "We need someone who can really get through to him." I thought for a moment.

"I know someone. I'll be back." I opened a tunnel and left as Jake trapped Jack in a magic cage, to which he was not too happy about.

As my tunnel opened, I popped my head out. I was in the backyard. I looked through the window and saw 6 kids playing board games. I knocked on the window, quickly grabbing their attention.

They opened the door and came outside excitedly. "Bunny! What are you doing here? Easter isn't here for a few months!" Jamie questioned. "No time, Jack needs your help. Now." They all became serious in a matter of seconds.

I opened a tunnel and we all jumped in. I stopped before we reached the end. "I'm gonna fill you in as best and quick as I can so listen carefully. Pitch turned Jack into a vampire and he doesn't have his winter magic anymore." I paused.

"Pitch has a werewolf and Jack faught it-" Jamie interrupted, "oh no.." I nodded. "Jack bit it and now he's not himself and we need you to bring him back, got it?" They nodded.

I opened the tunnel and we were met with screeching.

*Jamie's P.O.V. *

When we exited the tunnel all I could hear was screeching noises. I covered my ears and looked at the source. The cage. I looked at the other Guardians and noticed a boy in a skeleton t-shirt.

I ignored it for now and slowly approached the circular cage. "Jack!" I called out. It didn't stop. "Jack! Its me, Jamie! Please, I'm here!" I called.

After a few moments the screeching stopped. I straightened up and uncovered my ears. My heart basically stopped when I saw orange-yellow eyes staring deep into my soul.

I looked at what I could see of the face and it looked like it was just a twisted version of Jack, but it was indeed my friend. "Jack, buddy," I gave a small smile.

"Its me, Jamie." The eyes seemed to soften a little. "Thats right, come back to us. Im here." The eyes closed and the face retreated. I turned to the Guardians and the boy. "Take the cage down." And slowly, the cage evaporated.

There, where the cage once was, was a slouched Jack, on his knees. I walked up to him slowly, kneeling to his level. "Jack? Hey.." I put my hand on his shoulder. "You shouldn't be here.." it was a hushed whisper.

I almost didn't catch it, but I did. "I wanted to help my friend." I smiled softly. Jack looked up, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Its okay now." I whispered. Before I knew it, Jack lunged at me. I didn't flinch or try to run.

Because Jack wrapped me in a big tight hug. And I hugged back.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Jack is okay and the bond he and Jamie have is unbreakable. They are like brothers.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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