Happiness and Warmth

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack felt amazing, he was free. He felt chained and trapped as a vampire. He felt so empty inside, so much hatred and anger. But now he was free. He had his family, his magic, he had himself back.

They arrived in the town, people were screaming and running, monsters chasing them every which way. Pitch's nightmares ran rampant and wild without their master's command. "We have to hurry!!" Jake shouted, him and Alice springing into action and fighting the human-turned-monsters off. Using his sands that he'd gotten back from Pitch.

Jack began shooting ice at the nightmares, taken by surprise when more ice and power shot out than usual. He didn't notice his eyes glowing as he used his returned magic. The boost a permanent gift from the moon. Jack was a lot stronger now, he quickly realized.

He had to be a bit careful, but he could take down Pitch's nightmares a lot faster now and a lot more effectively as well. As a hoard of them charged towards him, the wind scooped him up into the air, the other Guardians, childten and Jake taking on the citizens and helping turn them back to normal.

They knew that Jack's magic wasn't suited for turning monsters back into innocent humans, so they trusted in him that he could help in other ways. The nightmares followed him into the sky, stormclouds and harsh thrunder bellowing throughout the sky.

Jack stopped in his flight to prepare his strike against the murderous hoard of beasts. He held his staff in front of him, his eyes glowing bright in determination. He took a deep breath as the hoard got closer.

A tsunami of ice and frost erupted into the hoard with such a fierce crackling shriek that it echoed and the town went silent to stare up at the sight. The swarm of nightmares exploded into flurries of fragile snowflakes and Jack peered up at the storm clouds above.

He raised his staff, eyes still shining a fierce icy blue, and he released another shock of ice into the storm above. Flashes and cracks of lightning faught within the darkness and soon enough, the clouds simply became a gloomy grey.

Snow began to fall from the cloudy abyss but where they were, the weather was a tad too warm for such chilly weather, so the snowflakes turned into a gentle sprinkle of rain. The winter spirit allowed the wind to bring him down to the ground where the humans had all been returned to normal and all were wiped of the memory of their halloween horrors.

"We did it!!" The children cheered with such glee, even the Guardians rejoiced. But Jack felt as if there was something he was missing. As the children danced and played in the sprinkling rain, a low growl erupted from an ally way.

Jack knew that growl. It was the werewolf Pitch made his pet. It stalked out of the dark ally, menacingly glaring at Jack, who took a defensive step forward. "Jack? You-" Jamie started. Jack shook his head, silently asking for him not to say anything else.

The wolf circled Jack. "Look.. we've been through alot, yeah?" Jack slowly put his staff on the ground and the wolf snarled louder. The spirit took an anxious deep breath and slowly stood straight again.

"Pitch must have hurt you, and done this to you against your will," he paused. "I'm not your enemy anymore." Jack smiled softly, slightly holding his arms out welcomingly. "I want to be your friend," he smiled brightly and with so much warmth that even his own ice would melt.

The wolf had stopped, staring at the boy in so much surprise, then it charged. Everyone shouted in terror but once the two touched, there was a flash of light and the wolf was no more.

In Jack's arms, held tightly and protectively, was a 7 year old little girl. Her face was burried in the older boy's shoulder and he held her as a protective older brother would have. "You're safe now," he coaxed.

The others watched in utter shock, their friend almost seemed wiser than before, almost older. The girl lifted her head to peer at her savior with teary eyes. His smile was so soft and loving that she simply stared in awe.

He chuckled and wiped her tears with the hem of his sleeve. "I'm sorry for hurting you in any way," he apologized softly. The child blinked, coming out of her daze and almost bursting into tears again.

"I'm so sorry mister!! That scary old man made me do it!! I didn't want t-to but- b-but!!" She shouted, a new wave of tears spilling into her tiny hands. Jack was surprised by her sudden shouting but smiled softly at the poor girl.

He hugged her tightly amd whispered sweet nothings in her ear, as he used to do with his very own little sister when she was upset. "No, kiddo, the mean old man is to blame. Not you," he reassured, subconsciously bouncing her.

She looked up at him again and sniffled. "P-promise you're not mad?" She asked timidly, making Jack chuckle a little. "Pinky promise!" He latched his pinky with hers and she giggled, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you mister!" She shouted, Jack hugged and patted her back. The others admired the scene unfolding before them, but taking notice of the solemn look in their friend's eyes. He didn't let up on his embrace with the small girl either.

"Can I go home and see Mommy and Daddy now, mister?" She asked, confusing everyone but Jack and seemingly Sandy. "Yeah, kiddo, I'm sure they're worried about you," came Jack's soft reply.

As the Guardians watched on in shock, the little girl in Jack's arms faded into a soft glowing light and then vanished, having been a trapped spirit from a long extinct werewolf tribe. Jack let his arms fall to his side and picked up his staff, turning to his family.

"What..?" Jamie muttered. "She was a spirit," Jack sighed with a sad smile. "She was an actual werewolf when she was alive, slain by monster hunters along with her family decades ago." He looked to the sky.

"Pitch took advantage of her wandering spirit and," he paused looking at his staff. "As a spirit myself I immediately knew what was going on when she held onto me." He finished with a smile.

"At least shes at peace now," Jake commented, earning a nod from Jack. "And halloween is saved!" The children cheered. Jake hugged Jack, "thank you so much! You did so much for me- how can I ever repay you!" He squeezed his friend who laughed.

"An awesome Halloween party next year!" Jack replied, ruffling his hair. Everyone soon joined the two in a tight family group hug. This experience had brought everyone closer, that was certain.

Pitch was defeated for good, at long last. The man in the moon watched as the group of friends hugged and cheered. They had worked so hard and with so much trial and tribulation, MiM was so proud.

His little winter spirit had grown so much, he'd defeated the evil plaguing the lands and had finally found his beloved family. And with the Boogyman gone, they all lived in happiness and in warmth.

The End.

Rise of The Guardians: HalloweenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat