A Quiet Emergency

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*Jack's P. O. V. *

"I think I may have found something!" Monty exclaimed, fixing his glasses with an anxious smile. Jake, Bunny, and a few of the other kids gathered behind the boy and peered into the book in his hands.

I glanced over to them as Monty directed Jake and Bunny to a section in his book. "Thats awesome! It describes a place where werewolves are known to roam, but thats just one place.." Jake paused, slightly defeated.

"Who knows where Pitch is. He's likely not going to be at the first place we can find." Bunny retorted. "So then we keep reading. Has to be more information in books." North finished, not looking up from his book.

I continued to scour my current book, tiredly.

Did you forget about me already?~

I froze. I almost spoke aloud in surprise but realized my situation. I sat still until I didn't hear the voice again. I felt my stomache churn, and subconsciously rested my hand over it.


It hissed with malice and yearning. How could I be hungry? I just drank a whole pint only about 2 hours ago! I felt my stomache churn again, this time it hurt.

I unintentionally flinched, silently cursing myself and praying no one noticed. I glanced around the room, no one seemed to notice, good. I stood slowly.

"I'm gonna use the uh.. restroom?" I more or less questioned. Before anyone could respond I hastily left the library. Once the door closed I made my way to the lounge room close by.

Once in there I sighed deeply. "Why is this happening?" I asked myself.

You're a vampire. It doesn't matter when or how much you eat. All that matters is that you drink blood. Lots of it.

"Get out of my head." I hissed. It only laughed and taunted me more. I calmed myself down and drowned out its laughter. My stomache churned again, this time worse than last time.

I shouted in pain, clutching my abdomen, wishing for the pain to go away. I made my way to one of the big chairs in the lounge room, relaxing and taking a deep breath.

The longer you ignore your hunger, the more pain you'll cause yourself.

"Shut. Up." It only laughed, but didn't say anything else after. Once the pain fully subsided, I let my head lean back into the squishy back of the massive chair. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my nerves again.

There was a knock at the door. I sat up straight eyes focused on the door. "Hello? Jack?" The voice questioned. It took a moment, but I realized it was Jamie. I silently debated on answering.

"Come in." I leaned back in the chair, watching as the massive door slowly opened and closed, Jamie making sure it closed silently. I just sat in silence.

"I knew you probably didn't go to the restroom, and so I got worried." He said quietly, sitting in the chair opposite of me. I looked down at my lap. He knows me well.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a look of concern plastered on his face. "Nothing." I replied, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the chair once again.

"Jack, look," he paused, shifting in his hair. I opened my eyes and sat up straight, giving the boy my attention. "I don't want to pry so I'm going to say this, and you can decide whether you want to tell me or not." I just looked at him.

I don't like making him worry but at the same time I like to deal with things on my own sometimes. "Jack, I know something is wrong. You had a pained look on your face when I came in, and you left the library abruptly." He finished.

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