Revelation Pt. 1

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*Jake's P.O.V.*

I searched high and low for books about vampires and spirits. I managed to find quite a few books, so thats a win! Now we just need to find out if they say anything about Jack's condition.

North and Bunny had put a cool cloth on his forehead because his temperature has gone up quite a bit. I walked over to them with about 7 or so books in my arms. I set the books down as Tooth and Sandy brought their fair share over as well.

I looked at Jack. He looked horrible. He looked like death. He was ghost white with a tinge of grey, his dark rings on his eyes looked like black holes, and he was sweaty.

"Has his temperature gone down any?" I asked quietly, afraid that they might get upset with me. "Not really.. Hasn't moved much at all either.." Bunny responded. I looked at North, who looked on the verge of crying and exploding with rage. I couldn't blame him after all, it's my fault this happened.

As if Tooth read my mind, "It's not your fault sweetie. You didn't mean for any of this to happen. You're a good kid." She smiled sweetly at me.

"But I let Pitch catch me. It was my sand that turned him into this! Its my holiday Pitch is after!" They all looked at me, except North. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout." I bowed my head in shame.

Jack's sick and for what? To save my stupid holiday because I begged for help! "Nah mate, don't be sorry." Bunny stood and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him in confusion. "We all agreed to help. We're the Guardians and we help those in need." Tooth chimed in.

"Even lil buggars like you!" Bunny ruffled my hair, earning a light giggle from me. "You are all right. Pitch is responsible, not child." North turned to face us, but still sitting by Jack.

"Right now, we help Jack. Figure out what is wrong. Then we go teach that arse what happens when you mess with family!" He raised his voice at the end.

Family? Was Jack family to him? That must be why he- they are so upset. We all nodded in agreement. "Right, some of us should start reading, anyone else, you look over Jack and let me know if anything happens. The slightest movement, sound, anything. We're going to figure this out!" I said with determination, recieving a few nods and 'right!'s.

I picked up a book about vampires, Sandy grabbed one on spirits and so did Tooth. Bunny got one on vampires, while sitting by Jack and North kept watch over said spirit.


Hours past and there were only 2 books left. Both of them were books about potions and monsters. I took one and Bunny took the other.

Jack hadn't moved at all since we got to my home. I glanced over at him. His breathing very slow. I kept reading. Please have something in here- "I'VE GOT IT!" I shouted, getting everyone's attention.

"What is it?!" Bunny shouted, slamming his book shut and standing up. "It says that that potion is only meant for humans or non magical beings. If used on a being of magic or with magical abilities, side effects can be dangerous." I trailed a bit.

"Jack is a winter spirit! So his powers must be clashing with the vampire side!" Tooth relayed. "Yes, thats right." I flipped the page and sighed in relief and gave a big smile. "Theres a way to fix this!" I looked up happily.

"So it says that if we are unable to take the new traits away, we can make his origional magic dormant. That means his winter magic would be supressed and he would be okay until we get rid of his vampire traits!" I said cheerfully.

The others looked very happy to hear this information. "I would need to create a potion to do this though.. theres one ingredient I need that I'm not sure how to get." I added.

"What is it?" North asked worriedly. "Most magical creatures or beings have something that is either the source of their power or aids it in some way. I need a small peice of that thing." I said, trying to think of anything.

We all thought for a few moments, until Sandy cought our attention. He had what looked like a little shepherd's crook made of sand above his head.

"His staff!" Tooth shouted, picking it up from its resting place against a wall. "All  I need is a tiny chunk and we're good to go!" I shouted. I got out a knife from the kitchen and started to carve a chunk about 3 centemeters big off the tip of the crook.

Jack squirmed a bit and whimpered as I did so. "I forgot! He mentioned that Pitch broke staff last time and felt like he broke in half too! They are connected, but small bit won't hurt." North explained. I already had the peice off and Jack had gone still again.

"This might take about 30 minutes to an hour, but I'll try to work as fast as I can. Put some ice packs on him to help his temperature, I think he's running a high fever." I said as I gathered the ingredients for the potion.

They did so and Tooth came to assist me. We've got a long road ahead of us, and this is only the beginning.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes! Another long chapter, but hey! We're getting somewhere!

So its an internal battle of powers. We had a full chapter of Jake's point of view though! We got to see some internal conflict with him too!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see y'all soon!

*Jack Frost*

Rise of The Guardians: HalloweenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang