Out of Control

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*Jack's P.O.V. *

We only had to fly a few miles, into the deep forests near the outskirts of Burgess. What on earth is that smell?

I plugged my nose. "Garlic?" Bunny muttered. "So you can smell it too?" I asked, earning a few odd looks from the others. "Uhm.. yes?" Bunny said, usnure.

"We didn't even hear Bunny make a noise, let alone talk, and you heard him?" Jake questioned curiously. I nodded, still plugging my nose. Jake scribbled in his notepad again.

"Is garlic going to kill him?!" Tooth asked, referring to me. "No, vampires are just severely garlic-intolerant." He responded. Earning a few sighs of relief.

"It still stinks though." I retorted. I unplugged my nose to attempt to track Pitch. "HERE, STOP HERE!" I shouted at North, the sleigh lurching to an imediate stop, landing with a few rough bumps.

We all gathered our composure and exited the sleigh, Tooth and Jake landing next to us. There was an eery cave with Garlic hanging by the entrance. I sighed. "This is kind of cringy." I blurted out, earning a few chuckles.

I walked up and grabbed the string of garlic in one hand, plugging my nose with the other. "Ohmygosh, please tell me you're going to super throw the garlic, please, please, please!" Jake shouted excitedly.

The others gave him odd looks and I just started to swing the garlic to build up momentum. "OH MY GOSH HE GON' DO IT!" Jake was practically squealing now. I rotated my body and prepared to throw.

And throw I did. I smiled as I watched it fly into the air and disappear from view. I turned back around and took a nice deep breath. "Much better." Jake was frantically giggling like a fangirl and writing on the notepad.

"Superstrength?" Bunny questioned with a shocked expression. Jake laughed, "Superstrength!"

"Now that that's taken care of," I looked into the cave, "lets go." Everyone became serious as we entered the dark cave.

Jake pulled out a flashlight and lit the way, I stayed close behind in case Pitch decided to attack. We rounded a corner to a lit opening. It looked eerily similar to Pitch's lair back in Burgess Woods.

There was a dark, echoing chuckle. "So I see the garlic wasn't a match for you?" The voice sneered. "Pitch!" Bunny shouted.

"Not really, just smelled bad. Kind of like you." I retorted. Tooth, Jake, and Sandy gasped. Well, Sandy made the appearance of gasping.

North and Bunny released a surprised chuckle. "Oh, really? Someone seems a tad," there was a pause. "Darker." Pitch finished.

I went to shoot ice, but remembered I couldn't. "Give me back my sands, Pitch!" Jake commanded. "Feisty little one aren't you, Jake?" I let out a low growl.

Pitch appeared in front of us, The other Guardians lunged into action, fighting Pitch. I urged Jake back. "Jack, what are we going to do?" He asked.

"I'm almost useless without my powers, I don't know." I looked at the ground, trying to think. An ear-piercing howl erupted throught the echo-y cave.

I covered my ears with a pained scream, dropping to my knees. Bunny seemed to react almost the same way, the others just covered their ears.

"Jack!" Jake shouted. Once the cave was more or less quiet, Pitch cackled. A giant humanoid wolf came and stood behind the Boogyman. My eyes grew wide.

My gut was telling me that everyone needed to leave, and there was something else. An urge to attack?

"Isn't my new puppy just adorable? I think its time he and Jack had a play date!" Pitch cackled again. I felt this overwhelming hatred and urge to attack and defend my friends.

Before I knew what I was doing I was baring my fangs and squaring up to the beast, which was doing the same. "Jack! What are you doing?!" I heard someone yell, but I didn't answer.

"We need to go!" Jake screeched. The wolf and I circled eachother, growling and hissing. "What?! We can't just leave him!" Someone else yelled.

"If we don't we'll ALL die!" There were scattered foot steps. Good, they left.

The wolf lunged at me but I dodged. He was somewhat by the cave entrance, so I tried to come up with a plan. I need to get him to open ground and sunlight.

I hissed and latched myself onto it's side, scratching and biting into it's flesh. It wailed and grabbed hold of me. It threw me into the wall, causing air to leave my lungs and rubble to fall from the cieling.

I'm right next to the entrance. I tried to get up as fast I could but it grabbed me again. I punched as hard as I could and once it dropped me, I kicked it with every ounce of strength I had.

The beast went flying out of the entrance, and I followed suit. It didnt change back. The sky is clouded and the sun is blocked. It howled again, making me drop and cover my ears.

Once it stopped I regained myself. I squared up again, taunting it. Why am I taunting this thing!? "Jack, what are you doing?!" I ignored whoever that was, hissing at the beast. We both charged eachother.

I made a swift move and grabbed the monster in a headlock and slamming it to the ground. It struggled a bit and I slammed it down again, the beast released a hefty roar and I let out a screeching hiss in return, the beast gave in.

The wolf then became engulfed in black sand and Pitch appeared, giving a snarl before disappearing in sand as well. I dropped to the ground, huffing and puffing.

I felt as if I was losing control of my own body. Suddenly, I could see the others. They were a little ways away from me, but not too far. "Jack!" North shouted, beginning to try and come over to me. Jake and Alice stopped them.

I stood up, but it wasn't me. I don't think I was the one doing it. It's as if I'm seeing and hearing everything but not in control.

I was panting, salivating. I looked deranged. I was hunched over, staring at the others. "What's wrong with him! Why won't you let us pass?!" Tooth panicked.

"He's not in control! He bit the werewolf!" Jake continued to hold them back. My mind flashed back to me biting the beast. What do I do? Am I going to hurt them?

Jake suddenly turned to me. "Jack..? You need to calm down, okay?" I hissed at him. I'm trying, I don't know what's happening!

"Can you hear me buddy?" He took a small step closer. Yes! I'm here! I took a sloppy step closer.

"We need someone who can bring him back." Jake quietly said to the others, not looking away from me. "I know. I'll be back." Bunny opened a tunnel and hopped through it.

Jake tossed a small marble in front of me and it expanded into a circular cage, trapping me inside. I screeched and wailed, not to my control. And so we awaited Bunny's return.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Finally updating! Woo! Should have another chapter up tonight! I hope you enjoy!!

Stay frosty

*Jack Frost*

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