The Search

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*Jake's POV*

We searched for Pitch high and low but with no luck. I'm very greatful the Guardians accepted me, but there's  still more to do. As for right now we were in Burgess, Jack's hometown as I recently discovered.

I admire him actually, but that is something I won't say aloud just yet. I admire him because of his legendary pranks. But back to the subject!

We were looking for Pitch. North and Tooth took the skies, Sandy and Bunny checked the woods, Jack and I took the town.

I looked over at him. I must be cautious... he is a vampire now... I pondered. Even though he can be changed back, I- and the others, must be vigilant... He looked at me. "Any luck?" I shook my head and he sighed.

"I've been meaning to ask, is it reversable?" I gave a confused look. "What?" I asked.

"The sand... am I going to be able to change back to normal?" He asked with slight hope, I smiled. "Yes, it is reversable but Pitch took my sands and potions so until we get them back, you're stuck my friend." I shrugged.

*Jack's POV*

Friend? I was shocked. Did he really mean that? "Friend?" I repeated out loud with a shocked expression. He nodded with a smile, making me smile as well.

My attention was drawn to something else. A smell. I've never smelt it before... "Jack?" I was snapped out of my daze to Jake looking slightly worried. "Im alright. Just got distracted" I chuckled lightly.

"Well there's nothing here so we should get back to the others and see if they found anything" Jake suggested and I nodded in agreement.

As we walked toward the woods we heard a horse-like shriek and shouts from what sounded like Bunny.


Hey Snowflakes! Short chapter but happy April Fools!! What do you think the shriek came from? Hehe till the next chappy~

*Jack Frost*

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