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In an era before humans rule to planet, gods and demons were constantly at war with each other. In an attempt to shift the fight in their favor, gods taught primitive humans how to control their own mana. With the humans on their side the Demon's were driven back to their home.
Book One, Chapter One: Awaken
In the Palace of The Dead, the demon king was preparing to awaken his fifth Wendigo. Sitting at a table with his four Wendigos, the demon king was plotting his next move.
Nyx: Father I have news from the demons on the battlefield.
Massaw: Speak my child.
Nyx: The demons say that the God's are using humans as leverage in some of the battles.
Kudo: How disgusting humans are. They see themselves as second only to the God's.
Massaw: Leave it to Etu to create a race of creatures just as arrogant as him.
Sedna: What do you suggest that we do father?
Massaw: I have foreseen us losing this battle but not the entire war. I wasn't sure if I should awaken him now but it seems we are out of time.
Chibiabos: What do you mean father? There are enough demons to handle the human's and we can kill the God's.
Massaw: Be patient my child. Sedna go and wake the newest member of our family.
Sedna leaves only to come back with a child no more that four years old.
Massaw: Everyone welcome your little brother into the family. Hello Erebus.
Erebus: Hello father and family.
Nyx: He's so young.
Chibiabos: But you can feel the magic power oozing out of him.
Massaw: Yes by my calculations by the time he is mature, he'll probably be stronger than Chibiabos.
Sedna: But why is he a child father.
Massaw: Unlike you four, Erebus is part human. He may look young but there is two hundred year's of magic build up in the boy.
Nyx: Amazing, what's his magical power?
At that moment Erebus touched the table and completely froze it.
Massaw: As you can see he can manipulate ice. He'll even get a spirit animal the moment he leaves the Sand. He also won't start aging until then too.
Kudo: Truly amazing father with him now we'll win this war for sure.
At that moment a lower ranking demon rushed into the room.
Demon: My lords please forgive the interruption but the table of six and an army of God's and humans are outside the palace door!!!
Massaw: Damn those God's, I thought we had more time.
Massaw walked to a balcony and looked out at the war on his doorstep. Pointing his Spear in the air he throw it north of the palace. The spear looked like a shooting star going back into the sky.
Massaw: You demon.
Demon: Yes my lord.
Massaw: Take Erebus and flee this place at once.
Erebus: No father I want to stay.
Massaw: No my son you are not ready yet. I'm going to send the last Wendigo two hundred year's into the future. Find it Erebus and then come back for us.
Erebus: But how father?
Massaw: I wish I had more time to show you how my son but trust your instincts, they will lead you on the right path.
Erebus: Okay.
With the last of his magic Massaw used a spell to open a portal to the future, throwing the last Wendigo into the portal as the enemy charge throw his palace doors.
Massaw: My children don't worry. You all will get the chance to dine on the souls of the Gods, but for now sleep my children.
The demon king turned himself, Chibiabos, Nyx, Sedna, Kudo and the whole room into stone. The God's and the human's rushed into the main hall of the palace, only to be shocked at what they found. Trying with all their magic the God's and the human's failed to break the statues. Massaw's spell was unbreakable so the God's sealed the palace away. One mile away from the palace a human and a God are chasing Erebus.
Demon: Run my prince, we have to get away.
Erebus: No, I can kill them. Put me down demon.
Demon: But my prince.
Erebus: I said put me down.
Standing in the hot sand Erebus raised his hand to the attackers and encased everything in ice.
Erebus: They will never be enough. Erebus walked up to the frozen human.
Erebus: I'm talking to you because I know you can hear me. Your life force isn't even worth eating.
He clenched his fist and the human shattered.
Erebus: Now as for you, your soul smells amazing. Even tho you're weak, I'll still enjoy this meal.
Touching his chest, Erebus absorb the soul of the God. Pulling it out of his body. After he ate the soul his magic level leaped higher.
Erebus: Let's go demon.
Demon: Yes sir.
Erebus: I think my father through his spear in this direction.
Demon: We have to be careful, the heat in the Sand is even too hot for us.
Erebus: The heat won't stop me. I have to find the spear.
Walking north of the palace, it had seem to be month's since they started their walk.
Demon: My prince I don't think I can go on.
Erebus: What's wrong?
Demon: This heat is draining my mana away. I can't take it.
Falling to the ground the demon slipped into his death.
Erebus: Hey demon, wake up.
Demon: My prince? How am I still alive?
Erebus: Onced you passed out I froze your body. Then I carried you for what I believe was 5 month's. It took me five month's to learn a spell, that brought down snow.
Demon: 5 months, how did you keep me frozen in this heat?
Erebus: I just kept freezing your body in ice.
Demon: I am grateful to be blessed with your grace.
Erebus: This cloud is low enough not to be seen but big enough to cool us down until night time. So demon what is your name?
Demon: My name? I have no name my lord. I am just a skinwalker my prince.
Erebus: Dohasan will be your name.
Dohasan: Blessed you my lord.
Erebus: Now look there. I see what looks to be a village.
Dohasan: A village? In the Big Sand?
Erebus: Yeah we could probably stay there for a while, just enough for use to rest. I figured we could use a rest.
Dohasan: My prince, how do you know so much but yet you look so young.
Erebus: Yes I look like a four year old but I have two hundred year's worth of knowledge and magical power. My father said I wont start aging until I get out of the big sand.
Dohasan: Incredible my prince.
Erebus: So Dohasan, what is your opinion on life?
Dohasan: My opinion on life? I've never really thought about it that much. As a skinwalker I have my loyalties to you and your family.
Erebus: Have you ever been outside this realm?
Dohasan: Only to do battle. I was born 300 human years ago. We were created to counteract the humans in battle.
Erebus: But why? With us Wendigo's and father himself should be more than enough for the God's and the human's.
Dohasan: No my prince it's not. Humans may be weak compared to us demons but they out number us a hundred to one. Excuse me for saying this but with the human's on their side, the God's have won.
Erebus: If that's the case then why are we headed for the spear, I mean if the God's have won then should we really care about finding the spear?
Dohasan: The king said to find the spear....
Erebus: Yeah I know. Well we're here.

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