Book One, Chapter Thirteen: A Bright Future

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Erebus sat on the floor to meditate so he can connect with his father.
Erebus: Father are you there?
Massaw: Well isn't this nice. You've come to see me.
Erebus: What are you doing?
Massaw: What do you mean? Ahh you've finally gotten strong enough. I guess the mana in the air made your magic power's grow exponentially.
Erebus: What is this shadowy creature that's been following me?
Massaw: Only if I had more time, you would've been born as an adult and you wouldn't be dealing with this.
Erebus: Deal with what? What are you talking about?
Massaw walked over and smiled.
Massaw: Erebus have you forgotten what you truly are? Let me show you what they've been seeing.
Massaw reached inside of the boy and pulled out a huge black mass of mana. The mana started to take form in front of Erebus.
Massaw: Now I'll leave you too alone.
Erebus: Father wait...
Massaw vanished leaving Erebus with this darkness inside of himself. The black mana grow into a tall adult size male. Its teeth were razor sharp and it's eye's were hollow. The creature's hands and upper arms were covered in ice, as were it's feet and lower legs. Horns of some sort grow out of the creature's head.
Erebus: What the hell are you?
It let out a scream strong enough to push Erebus back a little.
Wendigo:(growls) I am you and you are me.
Erebus: What do you mean? I'm nothing like you, I can smell the hate coming from you.
Wendigo: The face you have on is no more than a mask, an illusion so you can walk along side these humans.
Erebus: Why now? Why are you just coming to me now?
Wendigo: Who knows. I just woke up not to long ago and I'm curious to see what we can do.
Erebus: There is no we. You are only something that is in my mind.
Wendigo: I am the power that they fear, I am the power that will change everything about you. Your not real Erebus, this child's body isn't who you really are.
Erebus: I promised my mother that I would keep her safe and I will never break that promise.
Wendigo(smirking): If you really dont want me to come out then control your anger, now begone child.
Erebus opened his eye's and realized it was almost midday.
Malsum: Well look who's finally awake. Did you get the answers to your questions?
Erebus: Yeah kinda..... hey Malsum, did you grow an inch or two?
Malsum: Yes and so have you Erebus. It seems like all the magic energy your body takes in is accelerating your growth.
Erebus: What really? What does this mean?
Malsum: Your body is probably better equipped to consume mana.
Erebus: Now that you mentioned it, I do feel like I'm absorbing mana better now. But still this is too much, I can't fully control it yet. Wait do you fell that? Something else is growing, it's not's feels like that hateful energy from before.
Malsum: Yes I can feel it.
Erebus: I'll deal with it later.
The boy walked outside and to his surprise he meet Yami outside the house.
Erebus: Oh...Yami.... I wasn't expecting you.
Yami(blushing): Oh... yeah.... I thought it would be cool if we hangout before the festival.
Erebus: Oh, yeah that's cool. I was just gonna do some training and wait for my mother.
Yami: So do you wanna see the stadium?
Erebus: The stadium?
Yami smiled at Erebus before grabbing his wrist and running into town with the boy. Laughing and running the kids were once again enjoying themselves. They arrived at this huge stone structure lined with gold drawings of fire and light magic. The entrance tunnel to the platform told the story's of the king's life and a stone platform sat in the middle of the statue.
Yami: And this is were you'll be fighting.
Erebus: Wow, this is a bit much.
Yami: Yeah kinda. I just noticed you look a lil older. Did you get taller?
Erebus: Oh..... uhm...yeah this is the result of my training.
Yami: Wow that's amazing. You look like you could be Yoru's age but your mana is heavier tho.
Erebus: Oh sorry. So this stadium will be where the whole tribe gets to meet me.
Yami: Yup. I'll be sitting up there with my family.
Erebus: Malsum what do you think?
Malsum: It's looks like it's a little too much.
Erebus: Yeah I know right.
Yami: I hope you win tomorrow.
Erebus: Huh? You want me to beat your brother.
Yami: No I don't agree with you two fighting at all, but I want you to win so we can continue to hangout.
Erebus(smirking): Then I'll make you a deal. After I win tomorrow, we'll go back to the tree top.
Yami(smiling): It's a deal.
At that moment a servant walked up to see who was there.
Servant(1A): Who is up here while we're still working? Oh pardon me ma'am I didn't know it was you.
Yami: Oh no it's fine. I was just showing Erebus here the stadium.
Servant(1A): Oh the demon child. That's what everyone thinks of you. Your nothing but a monster who should just go back to his cave.
Malsum: Erebus calm down.
The boy's energy was becoming so extreme dense, that the area around him started to freeze.
Erebus: So that's what you think huh?
Yami grabbed him hand and said " It's no need to act like them. Come on Erebus, let's go." Walking home, Erebus said nothing. He didn't even look at Yami, he just walked. They got to the house and they were met by Pamuya outside.
Pamuya: Oh hey, I was wondering.....
Erebus had completely walked passed her. He just went inside.
Pamuya: Hey Erebus... what's wrong?
Yami: Hi Pamuya.
Pamuya: Hello Yami. What's wrong with him?
Yami: I feel bad because I took him to go see the stadium and one of the servants called him a monster.
Pamuya: Don't blame yourself Yami. You did a beautiful thing today and I know Erebus appreciated it.
Yami: Okay. Tell him I said he better keep his promise tomorrow.
Pamuya: Okay I will.
Pamuya walked in the house to find Erebus partly covered with black mana.
Pamuya: Erebus, what's that on you?
Erebus: It's the Wendigo in me. I this.
Pamuya frozen in shock couldn't think of anything to do.
Erebus: Okay... I think it's gone now.
Pamuya: Erebus, your arm.
The boy looked down and saw that his arm was partly covered in black mana and ice.
Erebus: This is the Wendigo's power. I can't make it go away.
Pamuya: Well then, we'll just have to wrap your arm up so no one can see it.
Pamuya wrapped the boy's arm so that it would be covered.
Pamuya: Okay there, how does it feel?
Erebus: It feels fine. Hey mom..... am I real?
Pamuya: What do you mean?
Erebus: I mean all my life, I've looked like myself but is that really me? (Crying) Am I truly just a monster? All I want to do is live my own life, but is that even possible? Will I just end up being another demon?
Pamuya hugged her son with tears in her eye's and said" You know this is the first time I've ever seen you cry. Your normal to tough to cry. Erebus you are who you are. Yes you may have a monstrous side of you, but that doesn't mean your a monster. After you win tomorrow, we'll work on controlling this power of yours, and you'll see you were a human after all. Hey wait...Erebus your taller and you look older?!"
Erebus: Oh yeah, my body grew to help me better control my magic.
Pamuya(laughing): You'll just never stop amazing me. At least your clothes still fit.
Erebus: Hey, do you hear thunder?
Erebus dashed out of the house and ran to the edge of the hill. Looking over the horizon Erebus heard an enormous thunder claps.
Erebus: It's you isn't it? Stay alive, we have a whole world to fix.
Pamuya(panting): everything....okay? I heard thunder.
Erebus just stood there looking over towards the horizon.
Erebus: Mom how many other tribe are out there?
Pamuya: Well you have us of the Peta tribe, our neighboring tribe are those of the Koko tribe they live in the jungles at the bottom the mountains. The Zuni tribe are those who have been cursed. Then to the far south you have the Nova people and the Oota dabun people.
Pointing south Erebus asked" What tribe would I find if I went that way?"
Pamuya: I don't know. I do believe that is in the direction of the Nova people, but first you would have to get through the forest of demons.
Erebus(smirking): Soon. I'll come find you.
Pamuya: Come on the sun's going down and it's starting to get cold. I've made us something to eat and you'll need a lot of rest for tomorrow.
Once inside the two ate and talked about the future.
Pamuya: So I've noticed that you and Yami are getting better acquainted with each other.
Erebus(blushing): Oh yeah, we're really becoming close friends.
Pamuya: So do you like her?
Erebus: Huh.... I mean.... I don't know.(blushing) I just know that she's someone who I want to protect.
Pamuya: My little man is growing up so fast. Next thing you know you all be going on dates, then getting married and then you two will be having kid's of your own.
Erebus(blushing): Mom okay don't you think you're getting a little carried away?
Pamuya: Why would you say that?
Erebus: know...we just started hanging out.
Pamuya: Well I think you two would be so cute together and I can tell that you're leaving a strong impression on her. I could ask her for you if your too shy to do it yourself.
Erebus(blushing): THERE'S NO REASON FOR YOU TO DO THAT! Yami only likes me as a friend.
Pamuya: Is that why you two just awkwardly blush and stare at each other before speaking?
Erebus: I mean I don't do that.
Pamuya: Erebus you're blushing right now.
Erebus: No I'm not, my face is just cold.
Pamuya: Okay kid, whatever you have to tell yourself. One little piece of advice, keep being yourself and she love you for it everytime.
Erebus stared at his mother trying to understand what she meant.
Pamuya: Well I think I should head home, but I'll be here to help walk you to the stadium.
Erebus: Okay mom. Goodnight I love you.
Pamuya: I love you too Erebus goodnight. Pamuya closed the door behind her and started walking. She had many mixed feelings about the festival but after tonight she seemed to be at ease with it. It was a quiet cloudless night. The half moon provided enough light to see through the dark. As she got closer to home three men attempt to kidnap her. Using her magic to fight them off she started running back towards Erebus.
Pamuya: Let go of me!
Servant(4A): Stay still woman.
Pamuya: No get off of me!
Servant(4B): Hold her so I can tie her up.
Pamuya: Help!!! Erebu......
Hakan: Shhh. There's no reason to call for your demon.
With a her hands and mouth tied up, Pamuya looked up as the moon showed Hakan's face. Confused, angry, those were some of the emotions Pamuya felt. With the best of her abilities she asked" Hakan....why?"
Hakan(with tears in his eyes): Why? Because that boy was more important than us. You've sided with a demon and you shall be punished as such. Take her away.
One of the servants covered her in a sack and carried her on his shoulder. As they carried her away you couldn't even hear her cries for help. The night went silent as they disappeared into the darkness.

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