Book One, Chapter Twelve: Monster's

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The two children sat at the top of the tree's and talked. Yami told Erebus everything about her and her family.
Erebus: Wow your family sounds divided but some how able to work together.
Yami : Yeah if you wanna see it like that. I always saw it as the pride of my family. I dislike how my brother and father look at people, but in the end I know that's just how they are.
Erebus: Pride in your family? Pride is such a sinful thing. It leads to so many mistakes.
Yami: You know for someone so young, you talk as if you're one of the elders.
Erebus: Huh... oh sorry. I'm enjoying this time together.
Yami(smiling and blushing): Me too.
Back at the house Pamuya and Bemola have just finished making dinner.
Bemola: I wonder where those kids went.
Pamuya: Erebus likes to hangout on top of the tree's. He says it's a comfortable place to meditate.
Bemola: That's funny, that boy is truly blessed.
Pamuya: Yes he is. One day I saw Erebus meditating in the field, and I sensed that he had gained more than twice the amount of magical power than the day before. I don't know how he does it, but it's like he's drinking from an infinite ocean of mana. Were as you know most human's can surpass natural limits, it's like Erebus has no limits.
Bemola: That's incredible. I can see why they fear him.
Pamuya: What do you mean?
Bemola: Let's be honest, our family fears what Erebus will be able to do in the future. Erebus might become even stronger than our ancestors.
Pamuya: One day I hope the tribe recognizes him as an equal.
Bemola: One day he might become king of our people. Now how are we gonna find those kids?
Pamuya: Oh that's easy. Just call Erebus' name and wait a little while before he show's up.
Bemola: Are you sure he'll be able to hear you?
Pamuya: Yes Erebus has the hearing of a wolf. Honestly almost all of his senses are like a wolf's.
Shouting from an open window Pamuya said "Erebus it's time to come home." Back at the top of the tree Erebus and Yami were laughing and talking until Erebus heard his mother's voice.
Erebus: It's time to go.
Yami: Is everything okay?
Erebus: My mom is calling for us and it smells like they cooked something delicious.
Yami: Wow we're at least a two miles away and u can still hear and smell your house?
Erebus:Yup I sure can, but anyways are you ready to go?
Yami: Yes I'm ready.
Erebus: Alright. Get on my back and I'll jump down safely to the ground, but first I'll use my wolf's magic to see if the cost is clear.
Use the flash step technique Erebus was able to safely jump to the ground. While running back to the house Erebus thought he spotted something on his left.
Yami: Is everything okay Erebus?
Erebus: Yeah.... I thought I saw something, but everything is fine now.
Yami: Okay.
Erebus(thoughts): What was that shadowy figure I saw? It was probably nothing. I mean no living creature can get passed my wolf's magic. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
Pamuya: See their they are just outside the barrier.
Before the children could enter the barrier a demon Serpent attacked them. By jumping back Erebus was able to dodge the serpent's tail. Pamuya and Bemola ran towards the kids as the serpent blocked Erebus off from the barrier.
Uktena: Ahh you two will make delicious meals.
Erebus(thoughts): Damn he's blocking my way to the house.
Pamuya: Erebus it's okay we're coming.
Erebus(shouting): No stay back. I'll take care of this.
Uktena: Boy I am over one hundred year's old and I won't be defeated by the likes of you.
Yami: Erebus, I'm scared. That demons magical power is so intense.
Erebus: It'll be okay. I promise I won't let him hurt you. Hey mom,........ catch Yami.
Pamuya: Catch Yami?
Erebus kicked up some snow to cover himself from the serpent's view for a moment.
Uktena: You think you can defeat....
At that moment Erebus stepped on the serpent's head and jumped up into the air.
Erebus: Catch her.
Tossing Yami into the barrier Erebus turned his attention back to the serpent, but when he turned around the serpent was already in the air about to swallow him whole. The serpent's jaws slammed shut and Erebus had been eaten. From inside the barrier Pamuya screamed "Erebus no!". Falling to the ground the serpent wondered if he could get inside the barrier.
Erebus: Hey serpent, your fight is with me.
Uktena: How are you still alive, I'm sure I ate you.
Erebus: You ate a clone but now that Yami is safe I dont have to hold back anymore. I've been wanting to try this move out for a while now.
Uktena: Your magic doesn't scare me boy!
The serpent charged at Erebus as he collected mana for his next attack.
Uktena: I'll kill you!
Erebus: Cold Impaler.
From the ground grew dozens of sharp icicles. Each one pierced through the serpent. The already snow covered ground turned into an icy battlefield. Black blood from the demon was all over the ice.
Uktena: I'm....sorry.
Erebus: Huh?
Uktena: I didn't realize it til now you're a.....
Freezing the demon completely Erebus said "Silence. That's enough out of you." before turning the serpent into dust. Walking throw the barrier Pamuya, Yami and Bemola just stood there amazing at what they just say.
Erebus: Yami are you okay?
Yami: Yes I'm fine. Thank you Erebus you saved my life.
Bemola: Thank you for protecting her. I saw that you put her safety above your own and for that you have my blessings.
Erebus: It's no problem ma'am. That's all I want to do. Mom are you okay?
Pamuya: Yeah I'm fine, every time I see you use your magic I just get so hopeful for the future.
They went to go walk back to the house, something grabbed Erebus from behind. The boy spun around prepare to fight, but there wasn't anyone there.
Pamuya: Is everything okay Erebus?
Erebus: Yeah....I'll meet you guy's inside.
Pamuya: Oh.....okay be safe.
Erebus: Hey Malsum.
Malsum: Yes Erebus. How can I be of help to you?
Erebus: I need you to check something for me.
Malsum: What is it?
Erebus: Check the surrounding area for a tall shadowy figure in the tree's.
Malsum: A tall shadowy figure?
Erebus: I can't explain it but something is going on but I don't want to worry them about it so can you just check for me?
Malsum: Fine I'll be back in a few.
Erebus:Thank you my friend.
Erebus walked into the house to have dinner with the women. At the dinner table, Bemola noticed that Erebus was looking at the door.
Bemola: Is there something wrong Erebus?
Erebus: Huh.... oh no I'm just waiting for Malsum to come back.
Bemola: So how long have you had a spirit animal?
Erebus: For as long as I could remember. Malsum has always been there with me.
Bemola: Well young man I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this but that is extraordinary. I mean most people in the tribe didn't get their spirit animal until they were already adults, with the exception of my son.
Erebus: What do you mean?
Bemola: Well when Yoru was born he was truly blessed by the mana of this world and he's had his spirit animal for almost five year's now.
Pamuya: Both of you children are blessed by the mana of this world.
Bemola: Yami was blessed with my attitude and not her father's.
The group laughed and talked until there was a knock at the door.
Erebus: I'll go see who it is.
Walking to the door Erebus could sense the magical power from outside. The boy opened the door to find Torao waiting outside.
Torao: Ahh the monster child.
Erebus: Lady Bemola, your mate is here.
Pamuya: Erebus!
Bemola(laughing): Yes well it's time for us to go Yami.
Yami: Oh...okay,( goes to hug Erebus) bye Erebus. Thank you for today.
Erebus(blushing): Sure..... no problem.
Torao: I hope you've been training wolf boy, because Yoru is twice as strong as he was the other day.
Bemola: How is that possible?
Torao: I trained him the way my father trained me, but let us be on our way. And we'll see you at the festival boy so I hope your ready.
Erebus: Try as you might, that boy will never be able to beat me.
He slammed the door shut and walked back to the table.
Pamuya: Are you okay?
Erebus: Yeah I'm fine mom.
Pamuya: Are you truly ready for this fight?
Erebus: It shouldn't be hard. His magic is strong but his arrogance and pride will be his downfall.
Pamuya: Well would you mind helping me clean up before I go home?
Erebus: Sure. Hey mom, after the festival I'll be able to live with you right?
Pamuya: Yes you will. I already have a room I think you'll love. I honestly hate the idea of you having to fight.
Erebus: I think I found her mom. I think I found my sister.
Pamuya: Really that's wonderful Erebus. Where is she?
Erebus: I don't know, I have to do some more meditating.
Pamuya: Is she a Wendigo just like you?
Erebus: Yes but her magic seems off. I can't really tell why but I can hear her but I can't see or feel her magic energy. It's as if she doesn't have any mana within her.
Pamuya: Well looks like after the festival we'll just have to go and find her.
Erebus: You mean... you'll help me find her?
Pamuya: Yes, but for now you should get some sleep and I'll be back either in the afternoon or at night for dinner.
Erebus: Are you helping with the festival?
Pamuya: Yes I am but for now get some rest Erebus.
Erebus: Alright see you tomorrow mom.
Pamuya: Goodnight my child.
As the door closed, a shadowy dark hand covered Erebus' face. He jumped and then turned around but still nothing was there.
Erebus: Malsum did you find anything?
Malsum: No I didn't. What's going on Erebus?
Erebus: Something is off, everytime I use my magic I feel something.... I don't know how to explain it but whatever it is almost got me killed by that serpent.
Malsum: Were you able to see it with my wolf's magic?
Erebus: Barely. Before the serpent appeared there was a tall shadow figure that I saw out the corner of my eye, but when I looked around nothing was there.
Malsum: There's only one person who can tell you what you need to know.
Erebus: I was hoping that I didn't have to talk to my father but your right.

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