Book One, Chapter Seventeen: Losses

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As some of the servants rushed to help Yoru, Erebus stood there looking up at the sky. The boy was tired, the scratches and bruises on his body were a clear sign that Yoru was a formidable opponent.
Erebus(thoughts): Malsum did you find her? Hey Malsum are you there?
Malsum: My search was ended once you used my magic in the fight.
Erebus: I figured as much. I never thought I'd have to use demon magic to win. Mom were can you be? I wonder if Yami saw everything?
When he went to go look for Yami in the stands, she was gone. Erebus assumed that she had left to meet his in front of the stadium. The cheif stood up and started clapping.
Ryuu: Erebus you have done well, congratulation you have won.
At that moment the magical barrier attack Erebus chaining him to the platform.
Erebus: What the hell is going on??!!!
Ryuu: Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention. Your future chief has discovered a shocking truth. Hakan has revealed that Erebus is the son of the King of the Dead. That means he's of the rarest breed of demons...... he's a Wendigo!!
Wendigo echoed through the crowd as everyone was listening to their cheif.
Ryuu: Young Yoru gave everything he had to weaken this demon so we can fulfill our duties as humans and rid the world of this evil.
Erebus(thoughts): Damn it. I can't get out of this magic. This mana, it's goddess magic. It's burning my skin.
Ryuu: Before we dispose of you Erebus, we shall punish those who have sinned for you. Bring them out.
Hakan and a few other servants walked out to the platform with Pamuya and to everyone's surpriseYami in ropes.
With a clap of their hands, the servants with Hakan used earth magic to create what they called the "purification grounds". The stone from the platform binding the girl's to pillars.
Erebus: Damn it you bastard!! Hakan how can you do this to Pamuya?!
Hakan Kicked the boy in the mouth and said " Shut your mouth demon! It's your fault she's in this situation!"
Hakan left the platform and joined his father in the stands.
Ryuu: These two have been stripped of their mana and will now have their souls sent to the Big Sand. With the help of our spiritual leader we can cleanse this world of evil.
Erebus: Wait!!!!! Bemola you have to stop them!! Kamama she's your daughter, don't do this!!!
As Erebus looked Bemola in the eye's and all she could do was silently cry to herself. Struggling to break free from the chain's Erebus began charging up and consuming dark mana when a weak voice said" Erebus it's okay."
Erebus: Huh?
Pamuya: It's okay, everything will be alright.(crying) I'm happy I got to meet you and I'm glad that you gave me the chance to be a mother. You will always be my son.
Erebus(with tears in his eyes): Mom don't say that!!! I'll get us out of this even if I have to kill everyone here, I'll save us!!!!
Yami: It's okay Erebus, we're fine with this.
Erebus crying with anger and rage he begins to break part's of the chain's.
Erebus(thoughts): Damn it, I don't have enough mana to get free. But I have to keep trying.
Yami: Erebus you were my first real friend.(crying) I wish...I got the chance to hangout with you some more. You are the kindest person I've ever meet.
Erebus: Yami please don't talk like that! Look at me, I will save you both I promise.
Pamuya(smirking): Don't make promises you can't keep. I love you Erebus.
The spiritual leader finally gathered enough mana to purify Pamuya and Yami.
Kamama: Oh great Goddess of the world and great God's above us, may these damned souls be reborn into pure and cleansed humans.
Erebus: Kamama don't do it!!!!!!
Kamama: We have gathered this mana as our offering.....
Erebus(panicking):STOP THIS KAMAMA!!
Kamama(with tears in her eye's): Goddess magic.....Damnation.
The two girl's looked Erebus in his face smiling as the the spell engulfed them in a bright light.
Pamuya: You are a savior Erebus, so you must survive.
Those were her last words to Erebus as the boy screamed in anger. He couldn't see her face anymore as the spell swelled up around her.
Yami: Erebus......
Before the spell swelled up around her too, she mouthed the words "Thank you" to Erebus. The light disappeared and with it the souls of the two people Erebus cared the most about. Despair had sent in for Erebus as the whole stadium was silent. All the moments he had hoped to spend with Pamuya and Yami were taken away right in front of his eye's. The servants magic had released the girl's from their bonds and all you heard were their bodies hit the ground. Their body's were just empty hollow cases as their souls were sent to the Sand.
Erebus(crying and whispering): Mom....Yami.... hey get up. Goddamn it please. Mom, Yami..... please just get up.
The boy's crys could be heard by all. Hakan walked over to Erebus, ready to kill the boy.
Ryuu: Now ladies and gentlemen Hakan will depose of the last child of Massaw.
At that moment Erebus' crys turned to laughter.
Hakan: Shut your mouth demon!!!
No matter how hard Hakan hit Erebus the boy just kept laughing, it was as if he got louder and more sinister with every hit. Hakan pulled out a knife and then looked to his father, but at that moment the stadium, no it was as if the entire world had gotten colder. Next came the force of this fearsome energy. Hakan turned around to see that Erebus was transforming into the Wendigo. The boy's mana was too much as it began to freeze everything close to him. Breaking free of his chain's Erebus continued to laugh as he turned into the Wendigo.
Erebus: I will kill all of you!!!
The crowd screamed in panic as now their greatest fear was standing right in front of them.
Hakan: So this is the might of a.....
Before he could finish his sentence Hakan's face and upper body were frozen with only a single touch by Erebus. With a single squeeze Erebus shattered Hakan's head leaving him to be nothing more than a headless statue.
The servants tried to stop the monster but they were all frozen and shattered in a blink of an eye. Erebus held out his hand and Massaw's staff came flying to his hand.
Ryuu: Everyone get as far away from him as possible, it isn't safe anymore. Brother it looks like we'll......
As Ryuu looked over at Torao, he was shock to find him completely frozen. Ryuu didn't even see Erebus freeze him or Bemola. Ryuu was looking around amongst the chaos to see if he could see where Erebus was, until he turned around and was face to face with a Wendigo. He had never experienced such overwhelming mana before, he was shaking. Without losing eye contact the Wendigo drove his fist through Ryuu's chest, freezing him as he fell to the ground. Once he hit the ground he shattered and became nothing more than ice dust.
Erebus& Wendigo: Kill them..I will kill them all!
The monster screamed as it started gathering up a huge amount of mana with the staff. He jumped into the air and landed on the platform while driving his staff into the ground. The shock wave could have been felted from miles away.
Erebus& Wendigo: Ice Castle!!!!!
A bright light exploded from inside the stadium. The loud screams and panic of the crowd disappeared as the dust settled. Everyone and everything had been completely frozen wherever they stood. Bird's, people, even the fish in the water had been frozen completely. The entire kingdom of the Peta people had been encased in ice. Erebus started turning back into his human form. Exhausted Erebus fell to his knees crying.
Erebus(crying): I never wanted this to happen..... I... I wanted to protect you forever. Yami.... I'm so sorry I brought you into this.
As he cried Massaw appeared in front of him in a cloud of black smoke.
Massaw: Well would you look at this. Looks like you've been busy.
Erebus: Why the hell are you here!?
Massaw: We just wanted to see what happened.
Erebus: We?
Out of the black smoke came Chibiabos, Nyx, Kudo, and Sedna.
Sedna: You've made quite a mess here brother.
Kudo: Yeah it looks like art.
Chibiabos: Are you done with these childish games boy?
Erebus(laughing): I think I understand now.
Massaw: Finally now come ho....
Erebus kicked through Massaw's head but it was just smoke.
Erebus: I see your all just illusions.
Massaw: So your turning ur back on your family?
Erebus: You all aren't my family.
Nyx: Erebus, watch what you say, we are bonded together forever.
Erebus: I don't care about any of that. It's because of you all that my family was taken from me.
Sedna: Erebus dont lose your life for these humans. When we wake up we will exterminate all human's and God's, you do not want to be on the wrong side of this war.
Erebus: I'm not on either side. I will slaughter anything that comes my way. By the time you all wake up, I'll be strong enough to kill you all. I will created true peace AND ANY DEMON, HUMAN, OR GOD THAT GETS IN MY WAY WILL BE SLAUGHTERED WHERE THEY STAND.
Massaw laughed and smiled at the boy. He was excited to see if Erebus could keep his word.
Massaw: Fine. I'll give you the seven more year's to get as strong as possible but just know I will not be denied my revenge.
Chibiabos: Know this boy, when we wake up I will be the first to kill you.
The smoked disappeared and with it the illusion of his family. Erebus carried Pamuya and Yami's bodies to the cave he first met Pamuya in. He laid them down on two clean sheets of rocks. Around them he placed flowers around their bodies. Pamuya's hands laid on her chest and in them were a bundle of sunflowers and in Yami's hands were Pink roses.
Malsum: So what now?
Erebus: Nothing.
Malsum: What do you mean nothing?
Erebus: We'll see what happens after I finish absorbing all this mana but first I'll unfreeze the wolves. How long will it take to absorb all of it?
Malsum: By my estimation, 5 to 6 year's, but what about the other Wendigo?
Erebus: Damn, well I guess it can't be helped. If it's truly a Wendigo, it'll be able to last on it's own until I finish absorbing all this mana.
He incased Pamuya and Yami's bodies in ice and then he closed off the cave.
Erebus: I'll sit here until I absorb all the mana. The wolves will keep people away from the village. Malsum were gonna sideline ourselves for now, but when we wake up we're gonna change this entire world.

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