Book One, Chapter Twenty-three: The Lighting Fox

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Injured and exhausted the children seem to be at their limit fighting this demon. Fear and many other feelings emerged as Gaia, Nahele and Huracán face off with the serpent. Huracán's arms had been badly damaged just from blocking the serpent's attacks. With Izusa being unconscious the children knew they would have to kill the demon to escape.
Gaia: With my wild embrace I can hurt him.
Huracán: That fighting is too risky and we need to fight him at a distance.
Nahele: Please we don't have much time.
Uktena: Here I come humans.
Huracán: Damn you!! Firing hammers!
Nahele: Earth slammer!
Taking Inola and Izusa, Gaia ran towards the village.
Uktena: Oh no you don't.
Slashing at Huracán and Nahele, the serpent knocked both boys to the ground. The storm brought down lightning and heavy rain.
Uktena: Four down one to go. Tho you may have a wild embrace, you'll need more than that to defeat me.
Dodging and blocking attacks from the serpent, Gaia was overwhelmed by the serpent. He wrapped his tail around Gaia and squeezed the life out of her. As she screamed in pain Nahele gathered the last of his energy and created a small earthquake. It wasn't much but it was enough to free Gaia.
Gaia: Damn..... I thought I....... could handle him...... but he's right without magic I can't win.
Uktena: This fight is over.
Nahele: Gaia nooo!
Gaia: Not yet....
Black lightning struck the earth shattering the ground around it.
Nahele: What happened?
Looking over his shoulder noticing Gaia was standing behind him with both Inola and Izusa in her arms.
Nahele: Gaia...your magic is lightning. The black lightning fox.
Uktena: What was that attack?
Gaia: I can feel my magic boiling inside me.(smirking) It feels incredible.
Uktena: You might have struck me but it's not enough to kill me.
Gaia: Your right. But this next attack will.
With her friend's in danger, Gaia unlocked her unique magical power. With black lightning covering her body, you could feel the magical power around her.
Nahele: Gaia.....
Gaia: Nahele its okay. Step back and I'll take care of the rest. But first I'll send a signal for help.
Firing an arrow towards the tribe she then takes aim at the serpent.
Gaia: Now to finish this.
Uktena: Die you menacing human.
Pulling back on her bow, she took aim at the serpent and fired three lightning arrows.
Gaia: Lightning....Arrows!
The arrows struck the serpent sending him across the water hole. In a giant explosion Gaia looked out into the distance knowing she had won. The serpent was burned to a crisp.
Gaia: I told u Izusa......we'd get to go home.
Falling to the ground Gaia passed out before help could arrive. Three days have gone by since then, the children were taken to a special healing pool of water. Resting on a bed inside of the healing center, Gaia seems to be having a bad dream.
(Inside Gaia's dream)
Gaia: Hello? Is someone there?
" that you?"
Gaia: Sister? Who's there?
The voice cried out " It's me Erebus."
Gaia: Erebus. Why can't I see you?
Erebus: You have to find me in the real world. I'll be waiting.
Gaia: Wait Erebus come back. Erebus!!
Adahy: Gaia. Gaia wake up.
Gaia: Huh? What's going on? Ouch moving really hurts.
Adahy: Relax you're back in the village now. It's been a few days since your fight with the serpent.
Gaia: A few day's? How's Izusa and Inola!? Did Huracán and Nahele make it back okay? Where are they?
Adahy: Relax my child. Their all fine even Izusa. Your mother and some of the other healers fixed you guys up.
Gaia: I'm sorry I probably made you worry.
Adahy: You did make me and your mother worried sick. When you see her you better apologize.
Gaia: Yes sir. But wait how did you find us?
Adahy: I was home when I felt a massive amout of magic coming towards the house. I felt your presence within the magic. So following the sense of the magical power I saw a huge black lightning bolt strike the ground and it lead me to you all. Its was amazing, seeing that much magical energy was truly extraordinary. That's why after your punishment, I'm going to be helping you a lot more with this power of yours.
Gaia: Wow really?! I can't wait.... Hold on did you say punishment?
Adahy: Did you seriously believe that the five of you could sneak off by yourselves, travel almost a mile away from the village, and put yourselves at risk without being punished for it?
Gaia: No sir.
Adahy: But Gaia, I am very proud of you. Nahele told me how if it wasn't for you you kids wouldn't have survived.
As Adahy and Gaia finish talking Nahele, Zitkala, and the spiritual leader walked in to check on Gaia's condition.
Zitkala hugged Gaia and said: (crying)Oh Gaia my baby. Do u know how worried I was?
Gaia hugging her mother back saying "I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean to make you worry like that."
Zitkala smiling with tears in her eyes: It's okay baby as long as you're safe and okay now. You know I was the same way around your age.
Nahele: Gaia...are you feeling better?
Gaia: My head is still kinda foggy and my body is sore, but other than that I'm perfectly fine. You dont seem to be hurt that bad.
Nahele: Yeah I didn't get hurt as bad as everyone else but I fractured my arm's and bruised my chest in the fight.
Gaia: How's everyone else?
Adsila: Inola is fine now she's resting in the pool. Your mother healed and closed the hole in Izusa's shoulder. Huracán arms and upper body were beaten badly, but with a few healing spells he was fixing with only a few scars.
Gaia: That's a relief.
Nahele: It's not much but I saved your bow for you Gaia, but it's kinda broken.
Gaia: Oh yeah. Dad this is the bow the old man in the tribe made for you. He told me to give it to you. I'm sorry I broke it.
Adahy: What old man?
Gaia: The old man who makes weapons with his earth magic. He said he made this bow for your wind magic.
Adahy: Let me see that bow.
Adahy examined the bow to see if there was anything strange about it. On the face of the bow were the words "A gift for a God-child" on it.
Adahy: Better yet, why don't you keep the bow. I'll just go get it fixed up and we'll add something to it so it can with stand your magic.
Adsila: Gaia my child, the symbol I placed on your shoulder has changed.
Gaia: Huh really? What is it now?
Adsila: Hold still child. Well actually the symbol I placed has been burned off. The symbol on your back means lightning.
Nahele: That's your magic ability. Watching you use lightning was incredible, I've never seen lightning magic before.
Adsila: Yes this is truly a unique power for a unique young girl.
As the group talked about the children's health and upcoming punishment, Gaia was excited. She had finally unlocked the magical power she had so desperately wanted.
Nahele: Yeah before I forget.
Reaching behind himself Nahele pulled out a handful of roses for Gaia.
Nahele: Even tho it was yesterday, happy birthday Gaia.
Zitkala: That's right amongst all the panic to heal you kids we forgot it was also your birthday. Happy birthday my child.
Adsila: Blessed day to you young Gaia, you are now ten years old.
Gaia laying there in shock: I SLEPT THROUGH MY OWN BIRTHDAY!!! Aww man that's not fair.
Walking into the room are Huracán, Inola, and Izusa.
Izusa: Happy late birthday Gaia.
Gaia: Izusa, Huracán, Inola..... thanks but shouldn't you all be resting up.
Nahele: Honestly they've been awake for quite some time now. Your the only one who was sleep for three days.
Inola: Listen Gaia. I wanted to thank you for saving my life when I was too weak to even fight.
Gaia: You're gonna give yourself a tumor with that kind of thinking.
Huracán: Honestly Gaia thank you. But dont think you'll stay the strongest for long. Once I'm back at one hundred percent I'm training nonstop until I'm the strongest.
Inola: Well you'll have your hands full with that. Cause once I'm healed up, I'm taking that number one spot.
Gaia laughs: Well now that I finally have my magic power, things are gonna get serious. I'm not letting anyone of you guys catch up to me.
Izusa: I....I wanna get stronger too. You guys I'm so sorry. If I was stronger I would have been able to get us out of there before anyone got seriously hurt.
Huracán: Besides Inola, she got knocked out first.
Inola: I'll kill you.
Nahele: Relax Inola it's just a joke, but I can say you all have me interested. Even tho I'm not a fighter I want to use my magic to protect the people I care about.
Adahy: Did you all forget your punishment? As instructed by the king himself your punishment is, a few simple task. Pluck one thousand flower's and plant all the seeds to replace each flower. Any flower that you plucked has to be perfect or else it can't be counted. Each seed has to go together with it's own plant type and they have to be neatly placed into the ground. I myself will be overseeing this punishment. Do it wrong and the punishment will last longer.
All the children: Awww man!!!!
Inola: Why do we have to get so many flowers?
Adahy: The flower's are important for the medicine that'll help heal you kids.
Huracán: I hate planting seeds.
Adahy: Well think about that next time you kids run off by yourselves. You kids aren't old enough to be that far away from the village. Demons are always roaming the earth looking for souls to feast on and many demons have adapted to just eat humans whole. That's why we tell you kid's to not wonder off on your own.
Huracán: What was that serpent that we fought?
Adahy: The horned serpent Uktena are the souls of sinners that the God's have punished.
Nahele: So anyone can become one?
Adahy: The God's have set rules for the human world to follow. Humans who have too many sins get taken over by the evil from within the earth. That's how some demons are born.
Huracán: So demons are that strong. I guess he was a pretty high ranking demon.
Adahy: No. Uktena are some of the most common demons on this earth because all of them start out as humans.
Inola: That's insane.
Adahy: Honestly when I was a young man in the demon Slayers games, I killed 12 of them.
Huracán: Yeah my father told me you were second to him in total demon kill.
Adahy: Yes that's true. Your father was and still is the best fighter this tribe has ever seen. Some say he's even a prodigy of the Nova people.
Nahele: Wow Huracán, your dad is a monster.
Huracán: What'd you mean by that!?
Nahele: Just imagine how strong you can become.
Adahy: Anyways, everyone go home and get some rest. Your parents already know that I'm expecting you to meet me in the field at sunrise.
Everyone else: Aww man, why so early?
Adahy created at tornado in the room and said " Did you all just question me?"
In fear the kid's answer" No sir."
Nahele: Hey Huracán, when this is over you wanna train together.
Huracán: Sure why not bird brain, but I won't go easy on you.
Nahele: Neither will I. Remember I do have more magical power than you.
Huracán: Shut your mouth!!
Izusa: I'll see you later Gaia.
Gaia: Okay bye, Izusa.
As the kids left the room Gaia sat there and thought to herself about her new power and the newest part of her strange dream. Who is Erebus and what is his connection with her.

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