Book One, Chapter Twenty-One: The Water Hole

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As the girls walk to meet back up with their friends, they noticed how busy the tribes people are.
Gaia: what the heck is going on today, everyone seems so busy.
Izusa: Haven't you heard, tonight after the storm passes we'll be able to see the heavens above us. The night sky will be filled with all types of colors and bright lights. My mother told me its an amazing veiw.
Gaia:The heavens above huh?
Looking up at the sky while they walk, Gaia walkes into an old man with in the crowd.
Gaia: I'm so sorry sir, are you okay?
Old man: I'm fine young lady thank you. You must be Adahy's daughter right?
Gaia: Yes that's my father.
Old man: He's a good man, I made him this Bow from the stone's of the mountain. It's the strongest and lightest bow I've ever made.
Gaia: Wow old man, this bow is amazing. How did you make it?
Old man: Well my magic is earth magic. I use my power to mold and construct tools for the tribe.
Gaia: Wow that's so cool. Your magic is amazing.
Old man: Oh it's nothing. I'm sure your magic abilities are on par with your fathers.
Gaia: I dont know how to summon my magical yet.
Old man: Well that's okay.
Gaia: What do you mean?
Old man: I didn't learn how to use my magic properly until I was 18 years old. I thought that my magic power was for fighting and that's why it never really worked. Magic comes from the heart and it'll only come out when your heart is turly into it. Your still young but I have faith that you'll get it.
Gaia: Thanks old man, that was really helpful. I'll make sure my dad gets this bow you made.
Izusa: Come on Gaia we're gonna be late.
Gaia: Oh yeah, right. Thank you but I have to go.
Old man: Okay my child but just promise me one thing.
Gaia: Sure.
Old man: That you'll come see me about making you a bow of your own when you learn how to use your magic power.
Gaia: Okay I promise.
Izusa: So that bow is made to withstand your father's wind magic huh?
Gaia: Yeah it's super cool. The coloring might be a little off.
Izusa: So what are you gonna do about your mystery man.
Gaia:( blushing) It's not like that and I don't know. I want to know more and understand this dream.
Nahele: Look at who finally made it. Woah Gaia your bow is awesome.
Huracán: What took you guy's so long?
Izusa: I had to find my seer stone and Gaia had to get something for her dad.
Inola: It's about time you guy's got here and what a seer stone?
Izusa: it's a stone that let's me see the magic level's within each living been. That way I'll be able to see how strong anything we run into is.
Nahele: So you can read our power levels?
Izusa: Basically yes.
Huracán: Move aside bird brain. Izusa what's my power level?
Izusa: I'll tell you on the way to the water hole.
Izusa opened up a portal that lead to the outskirts of the tribe. From there they have a three hundred yard walk until her power's are close enough to make a portal.
Izusa: Okay everyone made right?
Inola: Yeah we're all here now let's hurry. The storm is probably 45 minutes away from home.
Nahele: Yeah that means we have an hour or more before it gets to us.
Huracán: Forget about the stupid storm and tell us our power.
Izusa: Okay fine but your going last then.
Huracán: What why?
Izusa: Okay so who's first?
Huracán: DON'T IGNORE ME!!
Izusa: Okay how about you Gaia?
Gaia: Sure I don't care.
Izusa: Okay so the seer stone says that your current power level is......6,350.
Everyone else: WHAT!!!!!
Inola: How is that possible? That stone must be broken.
Izusa: That's not how the stone works dummy. Here Nahele you look throw the stone.
Nahele: Okay let me see.(Gasps) Gaia you're so powerful. Huracán your power level is 897. Inola yours is 854. Izusa your power level is 682.
Inola: HOW AM I WEAKER THAN THOSE TWO. This must be a joke.
Gaia: Over 6000!? That's incredible. If that's the case.. then... where is my magic.
Izusa: Wow it looks like I'm the weakest. ( Laughs) Its okay.
Inola: Hey Nahele. Let someone read your power level.
Nahele: Oh yeah here.
Inola: (Gasp).....950!
Nahele:(laughs) Wow would you look at that.
Huracán: This is madness. I am the son of the flame King. Son of the flame goddess.
Nahele: Its not that bad Huracán. It only reads individual magic power. Not overall skill of the individual.
Mitimoye: Now that you all got that out the way. I think I'll join you on this walk.
Mitimoye appeared in front of the children.
Inola: Who is the talking fox?
Gaia: This is Mitimoye. She's my spirit animal.
Huracán: So it's true that you have one.
Nahele: Wow this is so cool.
Mitimoye: Where are you children off to? Better question Gaia what are you doing?
Gaia: Relax Mitimoye, we're just going for a walk.
Mitimoye: You should be home practicing your magic.
Gaia: All you tell me to do is sit there and meditate. That's dumb.
Mitimoye: Child you never listen. Your power is unique and Meditating is the best way to summon it.
Gaia: I can't wait that long. I have to be strong enough to win the Demon Slayers Games when I become of age.
Mitimoye: Gaia.....
Inola: Mitimoye. What is Gaia's magical ability?
Mitimoye: I don't know. So far all Gaia can manage is wild embrace.
Huracán: What's wild embrace?
Mitimoye: Once a person gains a power level of more than 5,000, they will have summoned their spirit animal. I am a living embodiment of Gaia's magical power. The stronger she grows the stronger I go. Wild embrace is when Gaia's senses are enhanced. Along with her speed and strength.
Izusa: Wow Gaia that's incredible.
Gaia: Thanks but it's not enough.
Nahele: Wow your incredible (Blushing).
Gaia: Why are you looking at me like that?
Nahele: Oh sorry it's nothing (nervous laughter).
Huracán: How is she so strong?
Mitimoye: Because Gaia is unique.
Huracán: To hell with that fox.
Inola: I have to get stronger.
The children and Mitimoye walked and talked about their power levels. They had gotten to the point where Izusa can open up a portal to the water hole.
Izusa: Okay I can open the portal here.
Nahele and Huracán: Finally we've been walking forever.
Inola: Shut up it wasn't that long.
Mitimoye: Gaia.
Gaia: Yeah?
Mitimoye: I sense a dark energy on the other side of that portal.
Gaia: Really? How bad is it?
Mitimoye: Idk but I can't allow you to go.
Gaia: Mitimoye I can't leave my friends.
Mitimoye: Gaia please.
Gaia: If anything happens we'll be able to jump right back through the portal.
Izusa from the other side of the portal: Hey Gaia is everything okay? I can't keep the portal open that much longer.
Gaia: Yeah I'm coming.
Mitimoye: Fine but when we get there activate wild embrace.
Gaia: Okay.
Gaia jumps throw the portal to join her friends.
Izusa: Oh there you are. What was the hold up?
Gaia: It was nothing.
Nahele: Gaia....why do your eye's look like Mitimoye?
Gaia: In wild embrace I gain a mile radius in my sight, hearing, and smell. I can also see what Mitimoye sees and it's like looking throw the seer stone.
Huracán: Okay so we're here. What's the big deal?
Izusa: Look at how beautiful and peaceful this place is.
Nahele: This is a beautiful place. I like it.
Huracán: Of course you do bird brain. This water hole is deep.
Inola: I have to admit this place is nice.
Izusa: I was thinking we could make this our little hangout spot.

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