Book One, Chapter Five: Human's

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Erebus: Where am I?
Dohasan: My lord your finally awake. I'm so thankful.
Erebus: What happened?
Dohasan: After you passed out I carried you until I found this lake.
Erebus: I see. So this is the human world. I can feel the mana in the air.
Dohasan: So what do we do now my lord?
Erebus: We'll first you'll need a more appealing look if we're in the human world. Turn into a man.
Dohasan: Yes my lord.
Erebus: Now go scooting the area for the spear, I need to rest. Meet me in that cave over there.
Dohasan: Okay I'll be back before night fall my lord.
He walked to the cave and sat at the entrance. Closing his eye's Erebus fell asleep thinking about his mission and weather it's worth it. Before he fell asleep a pack of wolves surrounded him. Growling and walking closer the wolves planned on making a meal out of Erebus but then appeared a grayish wolf. Howling at the attacking pack of wolves this wolf seemed to be overpowering the other's. Soon the pack backed off and sat around Erebus.
Erebus: Who are you?
Malsum: My name is Malsum and I am your spirit animal.
Erebus: My spirit animal?
Malsum: I am the living embodiment of your magic power's.
Erebus: I see. Well hello there. Look's like the wolves backed down because of you.
Malsum: Yes they see me as their new leader, which means they'll see you as their new leader.
Erebus: Wow that's incredible. So Malsum, is it? What can you tell me about this human world?
Malsum: The rich magical energy in the air should help you master your magic. I sense that you or rather I should say we aren't one hundred percent human.
Erebus: Well that's because I'm not one hundred percent human. I'm the youngest son of Massaw....the Ice Wendigo.
Malsum: I see so that's why your still a child but your mana spreads so wide.
Erebus: Well now I have someone who can help me practice using my magic.
In the distance The wolves heard something in the forest to the east of them. They ran to track it down. Erebus and Malsum run behind the wolves to see what they have found.
Pamuya: Where did these wolves come from?
Hakan: I don't know but we have to keep running.
Pamuya: Oh man Hakan look.
Hakan: Damn it's too far of a jump down.
The wolves circled the couple.
Hakan: Pamuya say behind me. Looks like I'll have to fight them off.
Erebus: Wait.
The wolves stopped as Erebus walked up to the couple standing just outside of the light. His blue eyes shined at the couple in the darkness of the trees. Looking at Pamuya and Hakan, Erebus was amazed to see humans. Erebus just stared at them.
Pamuya: Who are you?
Hakan: Pamuya wait this boy, you can feel the magic energy around him. He might be dangerous.
Pamuya: Its okay. What's your name.
Erebus ran off without a word. The wolves followed behind him leaving Hakan and Pamuya confused. Almost like instinct, Pamuya ran after the pack.
Hakan: Pamuya, wait. Where are you going?
Pamuya: I want to know more about that boy and why he lives with the wolves.
Hakan: Your curiosity is gonna get us killed one day. Hey would you slow down.
Erebus and the wolves ran into a cave. Just before entering the cave Erebus looked back and Pamuya got to see a good look of the boy. His cold blue eyes were filled with power. He looked as if he hadn't eaten in months. They spent what felt like an eternity staring at each other. Trying to figure each other out with just their eyes. As Hakan caught up to Pamuya Erebus went into the cave.
Pamuya: Wait little boy. I have some food if you're hungry. You look like you could use a meal.
Walking up to the cave Hakan stopped her and said" Pamuya it's to dangerous for you to go in there."
Pamuya: Why?
Hakan: This is the Cave of Monsters. It is said that the demon king created the first Wendigo inside this cave. We have to be getting back to the tribe now.
Pamuya: Okay I guess you're right.
Before they left, Pamuya left bread and berries at the entrance of the cave. Waiting until they left Erebus grabbed the bread.
Erebus: She had a good soul.
Erebus walked back into the cave and waited for Dohasan to return.
Dohasan: My prince? Hello? I wonder where he went.
Erebus: I'm right here.
Dohasan(shocked): My prince you scared me.
Erebus: What did you find?
Dohasan: I found that the war between the God's and us Demon's ended two hundred year's ago.
Erebus: Really? That's amazing. So the old man knew it would take us that long to walk through the Sand.
Dohasan: There is a tribe of people who say that the demon spear struck down and embedded itself into the ground at the end of the war.
Erebus: So we walked around in the Sand for two hundred year's?
Malsum: No you didn't.
Dohasan: My prince who is that?
Erebus: Oh yes this is Malsum, my spirit animal. Malsum this is Dohasan my loyal servant.
Malsum: The reason there's such a huge time gap is because in realms like the Big Sand and the Home of the God's time doesn't exist. Neither God's or Demon's age, they just live until they are killed. So what seemed like a few months walking the Sand, were actually year's going by.
Erebus: So how is it possible to walk into the Sand if it's not within the same realm as the human world? I mean we followed the map but I still don't understand how it happened.
Malsum: The Big Sand is a dry wasteland. But before the Demon king was banished there it was the world's largest desert. The demon king cast a spell that acts like a two way portal. If you get too deep into the desert you will find yourself in the heart of the big Sand.
Erebus: That explains alot but Dohasan, did you find the spear?
Dohasan:Yes my prince. It is in the center of the tribes village.
Erebus: Why didn't you bring it back with you?
Dohasan: It is said to be cursed by the demon king himself. Only a person with the king's DNA can lift it out of the ground.
Erebus: Oh I see.
Dohasan: Is something troubling you my prince?
Erebus: I ran into two human's today. The wolves had cornered them. I could've let the wolves kill them but something told me that it was wrong. I know that I'm a demon but I don't want to kill or harm anyone honestly.
Dohasan: What does your gut tell you my prince?
Erebus: Dohasan, I want to try living with the humans and be happy like we were with the Zuni people.
Dohasan: What do you mean my lord?
Erebus: I want to try living like a human just to see what it's like. What do you think Malsum?
Malsum: As crazy as it might be, I think it'll be a good way for you to find your own path.
Erebus: Then that settles it. We're gonna go learn to be human.
Dohasan: How do you plan on doing that my prince?
Erebus: Well first thing to do is to seperate.
Dohasan: Why my prince?
Erebus: Well one reason is cause if we're together we'll have a higher chance of us getting caught. And reason two is cause my father and the other Wendigo's aren't around anymore so there's no reason we both can't go find our own form of peace.
Dohasan: But where will you stay?
Erebus: I think I met a human who would take me in. Her soul was beautiful compared to the one she was with.
Dohasan (with tears in his eyes): Thank you my prince. You are too kind. I don't deserve your blessings.
Erebus: Now go my friend and one day when we meet again I want to sit down and talk about our human lifes.
Dohasan leaves the cave hoping to live the humans life and experience a whole new life just as young Erebus is about to find out.

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