Book One, Chapter Fourteen: The Festival

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In the morning Erebus woke up to the sounds of drums and music. He looked outside and saw the bright colors from the festival.
Erebus: Well today's the day. Hey Malsum are you gonna walk with us?
Malsum: Sure why not.
Erebus: We just gotta wait for mom to come and then we'll go.
The two waited outside for a while but Pamuya never showed up.
Erebus: I wonder what could be taking her.
Malsum: It sounds like the festival is starting don't you think you should be heading towards the stadium?
Erebus: Not without my mother. She said she'd be here so we'll just have to wait for her.
Malsum: I don't sense her mana anywhere do you?
Erebus: No and that's what has me worried. It's as if her mana had just disappeared. Let's start walking to the stadium and see if we can get a better read on her energy.
They walked into town to find it flowing with music and dancing. People dressed as blue and red tailed Falcons to honor the king and his family. Also you can see people dressed in white and grey to show the story of Yami's family. The tribe's people laughing and dancing as they all walk towards the stadium.
Servant(2A): You young man.
Erebus: Yes? How can I help you?
Servant(2A): Please follow me as I escort you to your waiting area.
Erebus: Oh well I was kinda looking for someone so I.......
The servant grabbed the boy by his arm and pulled him to his waiting area.
Servant(2A): Now stay here and wait for them to announce your name.
Erebus: Fine.
As he walked away the servant said" I hope you lose today. Someone like you doesn't belong here with us human's." The hallway was quite as he walked away from Erebus, only the sound of his footsteps could be heard
Once the servant had left Erebus and Malsum went back to thinking about where Pamuya is.
Erebus: Malsum.....
Malsum: Yeah?
Erebus: While I'm fighting Yoru, I'll need you to go and find my mother for me.
Malsum: Where should I begin looking?
Erebus: Idk but check the whole tribe if u can.
Malsum: While I'm away if you use my magic, I won't be able to finish looking for her.
Erebus: Don't worry, I'll be fine. I sense that Yoru has gotten stronger but he's not enough to beat me.
The two parted ways as the music from the festival simmered down. Erebus stood at the end of the tunnel waiting for the announcer to say his name but something was wrong. He looked down at his chest and saw that his mother's blessings are starting to burning away.
Servant(1A): Blessed day to all of you. Thank you all for attending today's festival and thank you to those who dance. Let's stand and cheer for king Ryuu and the royal family.
Crowd: Cheers!!!!!
Ryuu: Great day to you all. Today we have a boy who is fighting for his right to be part of our great tribe. We all know him, and I've even seen his power. But he'll have to show his might again the prodigy of my brother's bloodline.
As the cheif continued to talk Yami came to see Erebus. When she walked up, he noticed her but didn't turn to look at her.
Erebus: Oh hey Yami.
Yami: Hey Ereb..... are you okay?
Erebus: My mother's magic is disappearing so her blessing is wearing off...... I can't be here much longer.
He fell to Yami's feet, breathing hard and sweating. The magic protecting this holy land is attack him.
Yami( Panicking): What should I do?
Erebus: Do you have enough mana to give me your blessing?
Yami: I don't know but I'll try.
Erebus: It's worth a shot.
Yami(inhales deeply): Mother Aiyanna I give him my blessings.
Stamping him with her royal symbol of a rabbit, Yami quickly healed Erebus. He stood up and said " I feel the cold of your mana. It's cold but still warmer than mine. Thanks Yami.
Yami(blushing): No problem.
Yami stumbled trying to keep her balance. Erebus grabbed Yami and pulled her in for a hug.
Erebus: Hey are you okay?
Yami: Yeah I'm just a little low on mana.
He then kissed her on her forehead transfering mana and memories to her mind. She saw him walking with Dohasan, she felt the happiness he experienced with the Zuni tribe, she understood his anger and sadness.
Erebus: Remember after I win, I'll come and take you to the tree top.
Ryuu: Now let's hear it for the child for the forest...... Erebus Guipago!!!!!
As he walked up the steps to the platform the crowd was silent. All that could be heard were his footsteps.
Ryuu: Erebus!........Show me you belong here.(laughter)
Erebus: Geez, what an arrogant man. (thoughts) Malsum have you found her?
Malsum: No, her mana disappears on the outskirts of the town by the house.
Erebus: Damn well keep looking.
Bemola:Yami your back just in time to see your brother be introduced, are you okay?
Yami: Yes I'm fine.
Ryuu: Now ladies and gentlemen, the prodigy of the Pamola family....... Yoru Pamola!!!!!
The crowd roared was Yoru walked up the steps.
Yoru: Wow look who's grown, but it won't matter cause you will die today.
Ryuu: The rules are simple. Force your opponent out the ring or immobilize your opponent. Try your best to not kill each other. Now servants the dome.
The servants combined their mana together to create a protected shield around the fighting stage.
Ryuu: When the servant gives the signal you may begin.
Servant(1A): Okay are you guys ready?

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