Book One, Chapter Nine: The Boy from the Forest

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Releasing their power, the boy's themselves shook the entire temple. One side freezing cold while the other is as bright as the sun. In the next room over the adults are just finishing up their talk.
Hakan: Pamuya, do you feel that?
Pamuya: Erebus.
Torao: It seems as if the boy's have introduced themselves to each other.
Bemola: We have to go stop it.
Torao: Yes that much energy, Yoru could kill him.
The adults race to the room while the boy's are about to square off.
Erebus: Okay I'm ready.
Yoru(smirking): If you say so, but don't be mad if this punch sends you to the afterlife!
Yoru jumped across the room throwing a punch at Erebus. At the same time the adults had just arrived.
Pamuya: Erebus look out!
Bemola: Yoru no!!
Yoru: Exploding Light!!
On contact Yoru's punch let off a huge explosion in the form of a bright light. As the smoke and dust settled it had appeared that Yoru was the victor. For a moment Pamuya stood there in shock because she couldn't see Erebus. Yoru stood there with a smile saying" I knew he wasn't all that." Then Yoru felt at tight grip on his fist.
Erebus: Now was that the best you could do?
The smoke cleared and Erebus was standing there holding the boy's fist. He had taken the hit dead on and it didn't even move him from his spot.
Yoru(shockingly): No, that's impossible. You stopped my attack with your bare hand?
Erebus: I think it's my turn now.
Erebus cocked his arm back and through a punch at Yoru. Before the punch could connect Torao step in between them and said" I think you boys have had enough......".
Before finishing his sentence he blocked Erebus' punch, but the force behind it was enough to send Yoru flying back into the
wall. It had also make Torao drop to a knee. Everyone was shocked to see what Erebus had done. The silence of the room was broken by the painful coughs of both Yoru and Torao.
Torao(coughing): Not bad kid. I haven't been hit like that in a long time( cough, cough). Allow me to show you how Light magic works.
Torao stubbed to stand up but once on his feet he started collecting magical energy into his body. Erebus looked and prepared for the next attack.
Erebus (Thoughts): Wolf's magic, Sight. It looks like he's gathering his energy into his hand. It looks like that last attack. If so I know I can block it.
Torao: This is how it's done. Light magic Exploding Light!!
Before Erebus could notice Torao was already in his face ready to punch him.
Erebus: Damn I wont be able to block!
Bemola: Snow magic Snow wall.
Pamuya : Wind magic Wind Dome!
Pamuya covered Erebus in a ball of wind and Bemola blocked the attack.
Bemola: Torao that's enough. I didn't know we're into hitting children now.
Torao: I apologize my lady.
Pamuya ran to Erebus, hugging him and asked him" Are you alright?"
Erebus: I'm okay mom, I swear.
Pamuya: Are you sure?
Torao: That boy you have there is a different specimen.
Pamuya: Don't talk about him that way!
Hakan: Pamuya calm down.
Yoru: I..... will..... kill you....... demon!
Yami: Yoru please try to relax.
Yoru: Shut up! That boy is a demon, and I will purge him from this world.
Torao: That's enough Yoru.
The boy's words spoke loud and clearly throughout the room. The servants and anyone else who had just witnessed his power were starting to talk the same.

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