Book One, Chapter Eighteen: Amber Fox

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In the year 480 there lived a village of native people. The Nova people live in the valley of the Achumawi mountain range of Aiyanna. The heavy wildness provides food, shelter, and a place for the people of the land to live and practice their magical training.
Adahy: Zitkala? Zitkala are you out here? Come on let's stop playing around and head back towards the village. There you are, do you always have to wonder off like that.
Zitkala: I'm sorry Adahy I was sensing a powerful amount of energy coming from deeper in the forest.
Adahy: Geez what am I gonna do with you?
Zitkala: You can go home if you want.
Adahy: And leave you out here by yourself? Yeah not happening. Let's just go see what that energy is and then we're headed home.
Zitkala: What do you think is giving off that much energy?
Adahy: Its could be a demon so we should be very careful.
Zitkala and Adahy searched deeper into the forest to find out what was giving off such powerful energy.
Adahy: Hey look the energy is coming from over there by the lake.
Zitkala: Let's get in close so we can see what's going on.
By the lake there glowed a bright amber fox. The fox was carrying with her a baby girl. The baby was young, just a year old. Her bright Carmel skin was blessed by the sun. The baby's eye's were reflections of the full moon and her grey hair was amazing. Zitkala felt like the baby was a gift from mother Aiyanna. Zitkala walked closer to the fox.
Adahy: Zitkala wait.
Zitkala: Its just a baby and she do beautiful. She's not even a year old.
Adahy: She's with a spirit animal. This girl must be really powerful.
Zitkala: We can't just leave her out here.
Adahy: I dont think we should take her back with us Zitkala.
Zitkala: I dont care what you say I'm bring her back with us.
Fox Spirit: Her name is Gaia.
Zitkala: Gaia. That's a beautiful name.
Zitkala pick the baby up to hold her.
Adahy: She is a beautiful baby. You're right we can't just leave her out here.
Fox Spirit: Take good care of her. She is a bridge this world needs to survive the coming changes.
Adahy: The coming changes?
And just like that the fox spirit disappeared. With her last message Zitkala and Adahy took the baby back with them. They took Gaia to the village's spiritual leader.
Adsila: Where did you find this child?
Zitkala & Adahy: Down by the lake deep in the forest.
Adsila : You mean the lake next to the mountains?
Adahy: Yes ma'am she was with the Fox spirit.
Zitkala: The spirit told us her name was Gaia. She doesn't have any markings or symbols from any other tribe so I thought we could take her in.
Adsila: I don't know, we know nothing about where this child came from.
Adahy: Please spiritual leader we couldn't just leave her out there. We can raise her and give her a life every being is entitled to.
Zitkala: The fox spirit left her with us. This is a sign for mother Aiyanna. We can't ignore her.
Adsila: Well alright but she'll have to be blessed with the tribes symbol. I'll also mark her with a power limit but it will disappear once the girl is sixteen.
Zitkala: Oh blessed you Spiritual leader. Thank you so much.
Adahy: Hey Zitkala why are you crying?
Zitkala: I'm just so happy. We have our own gift from the Gods. She gonna grow up and do beautiful things and we'll be right by her side every step of the way.
Adahy: Yes we will.
Adsila blessed Gaia with the tribes symbol but she noticed something dark with this child. So instead of a power limiter, she branded her with a a powerful God spell to suppress the girls dark power. She didn't say anything about the energy she felt and allowed Zitkala and Adahy to take her home.
The pair took Gaia home, excited about their new life ahead. Adahy was still cautious about the baby girl, but seeing how happy she made Zitkala he couldn't say no. They got home and prepared the house for it's newest member.
Zitkala: Where are we gonna put her so she can sleep?
Adahy: She can sleep in the bed with you for tonight and then tomorrow I'll go buy some supplies to make her a crib.
Zitkala: Where are you gonna sleep then?
Adahy: I'll sit on the floor next to the bed. Don't worry I'll be right next to you guys the whole night.
Zitkala: It's crazy, she's been sleep since we found her.
Adahy: I wonder how she ended up by herself in the first place. I mean who would leave their baby out in the woods?
Zitkala: Well whoever they are I hope there okay. If their alive they'll probably come looking for her.
Adahy: Do you think demons got to her parents?
Zitkala: I don't know. I would hate to believe that demons got to them.
Adahy: I know but on our way to the lake, I thought I sensed a demon lurking nearby.
Zitkala: I just assumed that it was Gaia, I didn't think that was anybody really watching us. Do you really suspect that demons could have got all the way out here from The big Sand?
Adahy: It's possible I mean the forest of demons is kind of far from here but you never know ever since the war demons have been desperately hiding anywhere they can. Most of them have retreated back to the forest the demons or the big sand but many of them are still out here. It's possible that Gaia's parents were on their way to our village and a demon kill them on their way and before they got a chance to kill Gaia the fox Spirit came to save her.
Zitkala: that's a scary thought cause if that's true then that means that those demons are still out there and they could be near the village.
Adahy: don't worry the spiritual leader and her followers put up barrier around the village for any demon that wants to come around here. They can't enter the village but they can be on the outskirts of it. For right now we should get some sleep now while we can, we have a long day ahead of us. If her parents are still alive and they come looking for her we'll give her back but if not we'll raise her is that okay with you?
Zitkala: Yes that's perfectly fine and all right goodnight Adahy.
Adahy: Goodnight.

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