Book One, Chapter Seven: Hateful Eyes

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The next day, Pamuya and Erebus went into town to shop for goods. Erebus was very uncomfortable with all eyes on him as he walked around.
Pamuya: Hey it's okay. I'm right here with you. You can hold my hand if you want but you don't have to be afraid.
Reaching for her hand Erebus said " Thank you." They went to a place where they could buy Erebus proper clothes for the mountain area.
Pamuya: So how about we get you some clothes.
Erebus: Sure okay, my pants are falling apart anyway.
Pamuya: And how about we get you a shirt too?
Erebus: A shirt for what?
Pamuya: Because it doesn't make sense to walk around shirtless with snow on the ground.
Erebus: I'm actually very comfortable without a shirt.
Pamuya: Erebus everyone wears shirts to keep us warm.
Erebus: My mana is cold and my magic is ice, so I don't need to be warm. Actually living up here in the mountains feels amazing.
Pamuya: Fine if I get you some pants and snow boots will you wear them?
Erebus: Yes, thank you.
The whole time they were talking the store owner watched Erebus the whole time. His eye's followed the boy everywhere he went.
Pamuya: Hello.....sir!
Store Owner: Huh....oh yes how can I help you?
Pamuya: I would like to buy these pants and boots please.
Store Owner: Sure lady, just take the clothes and your creepy child away from my store.
Pamuya: Huh? Now you listen here.....
Erebus tugged on Pamuya's arm and said
" Let's not make a sense and let's just go. " With one step forward Erebus had disappeared.
Pamuya: Erebus wait come back!
She walked over to the counter and said "You know people like you are disgusting. " Grabbing the clothes Pamuya ran back to the house assuming Erebus would be there. When she got home, Erebus was sitting on the rooftop looking at the star's.
Pamuya(nervously): Hey..... I got the pants and boots for ya.
The boy's silence said a lot, he had never experienced such hate before.
Erebus: I never experienced that before. That man was afraid of me as if I was some type of monster. He didn't even know my name, yet he feared me. Why?
Pamuya: Erebus.... sometimes people can be afraid of things they don't understand. Everyone just heard of your arrival but just give it some time and I'm sure everyone will love you.
He looked back at her and smiled but was worried about a deeper problem. He felt like he was absorbing a strange and dark form of mana coming from the man at the store. This mana made him almost blood thirsty but he couldn't come to tell Pamuya about it. After all she still is just a human so Erebus still has his guard up.
Pamuya: You know one day I hope you trust me like you would your mother.

The Fox & The Wolf Pt:1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें